Dear SDF Supporters and Community,
It is with great appreciation and optimism that I am reaching out to you today to share a reflection from 2021 and our plans for 2022. We joyfully engaged the public and partners in person in August 2021 with 33 Installations and Pop-up Experiences, and 6400+ attendees for the Block Party in Lake Union Park. The 2021 theme, EMERGE, truly reflected a moment in time when we saw the impacts of COVID-19 being minimalized thanks to vaccines and improved understanding about how to provide safe in-person opportunities.
Even though we look to 2022 with continued uncertainty, we are secure in our belief that we can move our mission forward to unleash the design thinker in everyone, regardless of what the context of the moment brings. You have participated in our mission in the past, and we invite you to come along with us in 2022 for new engagement opportunities. Join us for the 2022 SDF Kickoff on January 12 and help us shape next year’s Festival.
We will also kick-off 2022 with an impactful exhibit, Diversity by Design, celebrating the works and community impacts of BIPOC, LGBTQI+, and immigrant designers, as well as designers of all genders or those with disabilities. We are planning a revised format fundraising event to support the Festival in May. As the event develops, think happy hour vibes and joyful connection, with more details coming to you soon! And as August approaches, we will embrace the Festival as an opportunity to highlight our vision of a culture of design that fosters equitable, resilient, thriving communities.
We are excited to connect with you, and the rest of our design community, in person at the 2022 Seattle Design Festival. We plan to expand Festival programming to offer more ways for you to engage with us as you find your path to changing our world through design.
Thank you for your continued engagement, and I look forward to our future connections in 2022!

Melissa K. Neher