“I donate because the Seattle Design Festival provides the unique opportunity to explore our most pressing challenges and current events creatively.”
“This annual event welcomes everybody to express what’s on their minds and in their hearts, including how to make our place on this planet better – something that is necessary right now.”
We believe that design is for everyone. We believe that design generates creative solutions to pressing issues that affect all of us. We believe that inclusive co-design practices are essential to shaping an equitable Seattle. Thank you to our generous key supporters:
Wendy Abeel
Carrie Anderson
Geoff Anderson
Salley Anderson
Meghan Arnold
William Bilyeu
Steven Bohlman
Becca Book
Elle Brooks
Sarah Burk
Sheryl Cababa
Cecily Carver
Marjorie Chang
Marlene Chen
Thomas Cheney
Sarah Chu
Mark Chubb
Brendan Connolly
Jason Dallas
Justin Dauer
Robert Deane
Nicole DeNamur
Olivia Diaz
Caroline Dobrzynski
Melissa Falcetti
Chelsea Flickinger
Liz Forelle
Hope Freije
Richard Ghillino
Elizabeth Gilman
Dylan Glosecki
Timothy Griffith
Vicki Ha
David Halsell
Frank Harrison
Lindsey Heller
Michele Hill
Cory Hitzemann
Carli Hoki
Matt Hutchins
Linea Ingalls
Jenny Jau
Sean Johnson
Juriana Spierenburg
Pranjal Kabra
Brittney Kallas
Matt Kempf
Nicolas Koppe
Peter Krech
Annika Larson
Sarah Long
Erica Loynd
Terrance M. Matthews
Kyo Mars
Zee Mars
Yannick Mathews
Andy May
Sam Miller
Rachel Minnery
Marijana Misic
Aubrey Moore
Erik Mott
Melissa Neher
Laura Ovsak
Heather Pogue
Dale Quinn
Rico Quirindongo
Mark Reddington
Cecilia Roussel
Dan Say
Tyler Schaffer
Kristen Scott
Heather Skeehan
Craig Skipton
Mark Smedley
Gregory Smith
Mitchell Smith
Byron Starkey
Elysia Syriac
Kim Anh Tran-Dinh
Elizabeth Umbanhowar
Deanna Valcour
Surya Vanka
Franci Virgili
Mark Ward
Kyle White
Shauna Wilson
Shauna Wilson
Jake Woland
Rushyan Yen
Natalia Zea