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Presented by:

  • NOMA NW (National Organization for Minority Architects- NW}

  • DRT (Diversity Round Table)

  • Team: NOMA NW and DRT 

    A physical and virtual photo board tells the story of human resilience and the memories we built throughout the year to mark a passage of time and capture the ways in which we emerged stronger.

    This past year communities faced the global pandemic alongside an ongoing social injustice crisis. The whole world was forced to shelter in place, however, a lot of us were also out in the streets protesting injustice. Our small, confined spaces become our world. We worked from home, public social places were closed for months, and our physical social interactions were limited to household members. Although there were many heartbreaks and grievances, there were extraordinary stories of resilience, kindness, and perseverance. These stories will carry us out of this experience with a different perspective. We will emerge stronger, high-spirited, and more compassionate. To commemorate this experience we took pictures, lots of pictures. From the nature sceneries we turned into, small gardens we planted and nurtured, home offices we designed and decorated, funny and kindred photos of children or pets, or the endless video chat snapshots we took and shared with family and friends. These photos portray our experiences navigating through the challenges we faced, and we believe they are crucial to the way we emerge and creating this collage installation of all of our experiences helps us truly see each other.