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Cities are back. The yen for urban living is swelling downtowns and walkable neighborhoods. With little vacant land, Seattle grows vertically to add places to live and work. But what about space to romp, relax or refresh? Be inspired by stories of innovative open space solutions, and join a lively conversation about future open space in Seattle with a panel of local experts.
Thatcher Bailey, Executive Director Seattle Parks Foundation (moderator)
Brice Maryman, Senior Landscape Architect, SvR Design Company
Julio Sanchez, Board Member, Environmental People of Color, Got Green
Julie Parrett, Dept. Of Landscape Architecture, University of Washington
Michael Shiosaki, Director Planning & Development, Seattle Parks & Recreation
Presented by the City of Seattle, Seattle Art Museum, Seattle Parks Foundation, KCTS9
The program includes film excerpts from WTTW Chicago/PBS program Ten Parks that Changed America.