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Presented by:

  • Hok

  • Hoffman Construction

  • ARUP

  • MKA

  • Team: Ben Larson, Bryan Lammers, Darrell Turner, David Fields, Denis Blount, Edward Gibbons, Erik Heironimus, Kevin Aswegan, Lauren Beuris, Leah Guszkowski, Loren Supp, Marjorie Chang Fuller, Marshall Turner

    As a collective, we questioned what the experience of the past year has meant to us, what it gave to society – as well as what was taken away. Our team decided to explore an installation that could provoke thought about both. Did we emerge from one frenetic world (pre-pandemic) to a more poetic one (during)? Or are we emerging from a gauzy dreamworld that we’d like to forget? Through the Fog asks us to consider both.

    “An ethereal installation that invites people to reevaluate the idea of connection as we emerge from the fog of isolation. Through a series of layered curtain veils with progressive degrees of opacity, a gradual dissolution and re-emergence from one environment to another is created, softly flowing between, yet distancing individuals as they navigate from the clarity of the outside world to something less resolute. At the center, a moment of quiet nature is revealed, along with sound and gentle light to provoke the question: “Was there something beautiful about the experience we just had together; apart?”

    As initially conceived, Through the Fog is composed of 4 primary elements: a simple collection of suspended sheer fabric layers of progressive transparency and color set around a central oculus, open to the sky. A level, accessible platform, serves as the installation floor while the fabric, individually hung from a simply supported roof structure, is perceived as a single field of flowing form and fluid movement. The fabric is loose, designed to encourage irregular movement through the installation, regardless of a person’s age, size, capability of movement, or sight.

    Thanks to our sponsor: Masons Supply Company