The Seattle Design Festival (SDF) is entirely a product of the people that are involved in it. It is planned by a core group of dedicated volunteers, who work to…
Awaken your creative spirit and get ready for the 2021 Seattle Design Festival! Join the Seattle Design Festival planning committee and Surya Vanka, Founder & Chief Designer at AUTHENTIC DESIGN…
Not sure what to propose for the 2021 Seattle Design Festival? Check out these examples of effective Built Installations from previous years, plus precedents of this year’s new offering…
The Seattle Design Festival (SDF) is excited to announce that we have been awarded a Grant for Arts Project from the National Endowment of the Arts. Grants for Arts Projects…
We are excited to be partnering with NW Film Forum once again for the ByDesign [Online] Film Festival 2021! The 21st Annual Festival is a cross-cultural exploration of people, structures,…