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  • 22
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5:30PM - 7:30PM
This event is free

Presented by:

  • Dan Hiester

  • Seasoned designers know soft skills are important, and studies show psychological safety encourages innovation, but putting this into practice is often surprisingly hard. This talk will give you some tools to feed your curiosity, so that you can see your teammates in a more empathetic light.

    Hard work often puts us under pressure. Our brains are wired to protect us from all sorts of perceived threats. In a word, our feelings are really, really weird.

    But if we get really, really curious, we can examine some natural biases that make it a challenge to be our most empathetic selves. By the end of this talk, we’ll explore some common triggers for bias, how everyone’s job is hard in one way or another—and if we’re feeling brave, we’ll crowdsource some ideas to help each other with the hard parts.

    This Virtual Mainstage presentation will be part of the larger Tuesday show which will include video shorts and Social Housing Developer: A Call to Action – presented by Curious Publishing. This evening’s Virtual Mainstage will be launched live at 5:30pm on our SDF You Tube Channel and accessible any time thereafter.