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Presented by:

  • HOK

  • Hoffman Construction

  • ARUP

  • ‘let’s play’ encourages people to interact with and examine the environment within which connections are built upon and reinforced.

    Through an array of apertures the installation unfurls an evolving tapestry of variation; close and open, conceal and discover, separate and connect. With simple manipulation, a landscape of light and shape is crafted, filtering surrounding sounds and views of the city while creating new relationships between the community inside and out.

    We began by questioning the premise of connection – both the physical manifestation of linking two or more objects and how we connect as people (and how we’re learning to re-connect after the past 2 years). Our team decided to explore an installation that would stimulate thought about both. How can design facilitate discovery? How can this encourage connection between individuals, and yet manifest as unified form? ‘lets play’ gives us an opportunity to consider both.

    As initially envisioned, ‘let’s play’ is composed of 2 primary elements: a simple exterior lattice of structural ribs rising up, forming the inner space and providing the nexus for a collection of operable, 2-sided geometric panels. By using a modified hypar form, the design relies on the overall structural form for stability, eliminating additional interior columns and utilizing the existing ground as the installation floor. The space is loose and open, designed to encourage irregular movement through the installation, regardless of a person’s age, size, capability of movement, or sight. The interactive skin will also utilize a simple means of actuation, encouraging people of all abilities and sizes to participate.

    Team: Amber Shi, Arielle Swissa, Ben Larson, Brian Markham, Bryan Lammers, Chao Deng, Edward Gibbons, Emily Yin, Erik Heironimus, Gayle Bart, Gordon Yuen, Lexi Mills, Loren Supp, Marissa Lordahl, Marjorie Chang Fuller, Marshall Turner, Melissa Fedorchenko, Steven Herron, Xuanyu Li