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  • August 15-23, 2020
This event is free

Presented by:

  • Collaborative Companies

  • Team: Jacob Young, Isaac Greenetz, Sidney Burton, Noah Firth

    “We Are One” aims to use creative and thoughtful design to demonstrate the many faces and voices that make up our greater Seattle community. It integrates multiple levels of interaction to help visitors understand the important role of each individual, a crucial part of the whole. The more you interact with our display, the more you will see what each individual adds to our community. The display will guide you through a continually focused perspective on the power of one in relation to the many. While there are many parts that make up the whole, each part has an immense capability to build and promote connection.

    From afar, visitors will see our display at its most simple and obvious: a banner displaying the statement “We Are One.” Humans are innately social; we look for every opportunity to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. Especially with the many crisis we’re experiencing today, it’s more critical than ever to strive for connection and unity. The statement “We Are One” exemplifies that mission. On closer inspection, or further interaction, visitors will see all the faces that make up our statement. More importantly you will see that without those faces, our statement would not exist at all. There cannot be a “One” if there isn’t a “We” to build it, and the more that make up the “We,” the stronger the “One” can be. This level of interaction teaches the impossibility of creating connection and community without the individual.

    Finally, visitors will use the attached QR code to visit a web version of our display. Here you can review each photo more closely and see a statement from that person on how they aspire to build connections and community. This last step will emphasize and celebrate the differences of each participant. With hundreds of photos, if not thousands, you will be exposed to a vast variety of responses. This solidifies the importance of diversity; of the unique backgrounds and capabilities we all bring to the table and would often be lost without. Our final level of interaction seeks to reinforce that these differences, when cherished and respected, bring us together and make our “One” stronger, rather than breaking it apart.

    As an additional interactive component, attendees will be encouraged to respond to a Citizen Design Instagram poll asking one way they will work to foster unity, no matter how small, whose responses we’ll share on our Instagram story. Visitors will then be able to review these responses, learn more about others who attended, and see the many ways they can make a positive impact on their community. In short, “We Are One” will utilize depth of visitor engagement to tell a story of the unique people that live in and work to better our community, the absolute necessity of their roles, and the unity and connection we all create.

    Ground-level experience
    Wayfinding signage
    QR code instruction signage
    Social distancing and other public health guideline signage
    Signage explaining social media interaction component