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CONFERENCE: Designing Ecological and Social Change through Permaculture Principles

Seattle Central Library 1000 4th Ave, Seattle, WA, United States

Seattle's innovative Beacon Food Forest shows that permaculture is not just for designing landscapes--Its principles make an even bigger impact when applied to community change efforts. Hear from leaders at the Beacon Food Forest as we discuss how to design effective social change efforts using lessons from permaculture. The Beacon Food Forest was founded in...


CONFERENCE: Dream, Design, Build, Repeat

Seattle Central Library 1000 4th Ave, Seattle, WA, United States

Dream, Design, Build, Repeat: A Conversation About Youth Design and Social Change With Non-Profit Sawhorse Revolution What does it mean for teens to design and build responses to some of Seattle’s toughest social problems? What kinds of change might come about if young people designed part of the built world? Is there a difference when...

After-Conference Mixer

Center for Architecture & Design 1010 Western Avenue, Seattle, WA, United States

The After-Conference Mixer is a celebration for speakers and audience members of the SDF 2016 Conference. Join us for snacks and refreshments, meet speakers, and reflect on SDF Conference with other participants.


Art Hack Day / Black Box 3.0 Opening Night

V2 1525 11th Ave, Seattle, WA, United States

It’s the Opening Night of Black Box 3.0 at Art Hack Day E R A S U R E! Black Box 3.0 is the third edition of an annual festival in Seattle that explores how technology is transforming the arts, culture, and public life. Core programming is nomadic and experiential, presenting new work and ideas...


My Future Neighborhood

Center for Architecture & Design 1010 Western Avenue, Seattle, WA, United States

Sound Transit’s next light rail system extension will happen in 2021, with new stations opening in the University District, Roosevelt neighborhood, and Northgate. Existing light rail stations already exist, from the newly opened UW Stadium station down to Sea-Tac Airport. When a light rail station opens, it means some big changes will be occurring in...


Mount Baker Hub:

Mt Baker Light Rail Station 2931 Rainier Ave S, Seattle, WA, United States

Celebrate the ongoing transformation of the Mount Baker Town Center with local music, food, and festivities in and around the Sound Transit Link Station and ArtSpace Plaza. The festival will highlight and celebrate the ongoing transformation of this complex station area into a vibrant livable community. The City's Accessible Mount Baker project is moving forward...

Placemaking and the New Urban Agenda

Friends of Waterfront Seattle 1400 Western Ave, Seattle, WA, United States

Hear from members of the Placemaking Leadership Forum report on discussions held at the International Project for Public Spaces conference, convened in Vancouver BC September 14-17th. Topics will include: place-led development strategies, models for placemaking campaigns, consideration of transformative agendas aligned with 1) the recent COP21 agreement which identifies concrete actions that leaders need to...

Growing A City

Center for Architecture & Design 1010 Western Avenue, Seattle, WA, United States

Seattle is growing. Denser, more efficient urban environment replaces existing structure. Businesses come and go. Infrastructure expands. Neighborhoods are redesigned around pedestrians and cyclists. Rents increase. Displacement occurs. But does urban growth lead to inequitable neighborhoods? How do we, as a city, design neighborhoods that serve the greatest share of the population? How do we...

Mount Baker Hub:

Art Space Mt Baker Lofts 2915 Rainier Avenue South, Seattle, WA, United States

The community is invited to attend our free program, “Mount Baker Hub — Transforming a 20th Century Intersection into A 21st Century Model Community” on Monday September 19th at 6:30 pm. This event takes place at the Art Space Mount Baker Lofts, in the community room (2915 Rainier Avenue South – facing the Mt Baker...

IMVISIBLE B.Y.O. Wrap-Up Event

Sparksy Design 304 Alaskan Way S, Seattle, WA, United States

Winners of our IMVISIBLE presentation will be presented. We will also have a Pecha-Kucha style open-mic presentation on how to move forward and do more as designers to help the urban poor. Part of the IMVISIBLE design challenge series, this event will be the conclusion of the competition and we can hopefully inspire other events that relates...

Making Change in Your Neighborhood

Center for Architecture & Design 1010 Western Avenue, Seattle, WA, United States

Ever wonder how design decisions get made and how you can play a role in creating change in your community? Learn what it takes to build a park, playground or create a new shared space in your neighborhood! Join us for this interactive panel discussion that will offer practical tips and share case studies for...


Catching Up With Healthy Materials: A Happy Hour Conversation

Terry Thomas Courtyard 225 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Do you ever wonder what toxins are lurking in your home or office? There's a movement  to bring healthier materials into our everyday spaces. The Healthy Materials Collaborative (HMC) is a local grassroots collective of designers, architects, contractors, and other industry professionals working to improve human and environment health by advocating for product transparency. Join...

Poetic Operations Collaborative Public Design Lab

INCA 2 West Roy St. , Seattle, United States

The Poetic Operations Collaborative (POClab) presents Public Design Lab, a workshop hosted at the Institute for New Connotative Action (INCA). The workshop will include a conversation between members of the POClab on our current design and art research projects.  The projects include: #stronger, a project that imagines futures of health and strength for trans and...

Room for Change Mural – Opening Reception

Pike Street Hill Climb 1427 Western Ave, Seattle, United States

Opening Reception: Room for Change: A Mural by Carolina Silva For this year's Seattle Design Festival, Space.City and Urban ArtWorks are collaborating with Carolina Silva to create a mural at the Pike Street Hill Climb along Western Avenue. The transformation will take place over the first week of the festival, with support from Downtown Seattle...

VR and Design: Experiencing Design in a New Way

ZGF Architects 925 4th Ave, 4th floor , Seattle, WA, United States

The design process has always relied on illustration to visualize concepts ahead of the design’s physical creation, but recent technologies have allowed creators to visualize their designs in a way that they’ve never been able to before. Increasingly sophisticated virtual reality technology has opened the door for a new kind of design model, one that...

Share the City

McGraw Square Westlake Ave N & Stewart S , Seattle, WA, United States

Seattle is experiencing unprecedented growth. Given the ongoing discussion of housing, zoning, and transportation, VIA developed a game that asks participants to think creatively about where the city can best accommodate population growth. VIA's hope is to generate ideas and facilitate discussion to create the best city possible. VIA architecture is an architectural and urban...

Robots Building Robots

Hedreen Gallery at Seattle University 901 12th Avenue, Seattle, WA, United States

Convening works in a variety of media, Robots Building Robots addresses the intersection, or divergence, of creation and consciousness in the digital age, reflecting ways in which images are harvested without human direction; take on lives of their own and experience half-lives and afterlives; materialize in iterative forms; and proliferate via feedback loops, algorithmic generators,...


I Want You Studio 1128 Poplar St S, Seattle, WA, United States

change.gif is an exhibition of GIFs that explores their potential to enact social change. Presented by @fungiform and @imaginarymachine.  

Conflux 2016: Design + Technology with Ravi Naidoo, Design Indaba

Amazon Meeting Center 2031 7th ave, Seattle, WA, United States

Conflux, Amazon’s fourth annual internal design conference will celebrate our worldwide creative community and open up the closing keynote event to the Seattle Design Festival audience. Join us for an opportunity to learn from and connect with design leaders and creative thinkers from around the world as well as hear from Ravi Naidoo, Design Indaba,...

Seattle Design Festival After-Party

MAKERS 92 Lenora St, Seattle, WA

Celebrate the conclusion of the 2016 Design Festival at the Design in Public After Party event at MAKERS in Belltown! The event will include local food and drink, an art installation by the University of Washington summer design/build studio and music by T.Wan. The event serves as a thank you to all who participated in...

Free – $20


Center for Architecture & Design 1010 Western Avenue, Seattle, WA, United States

RSVP: Whether you’re proposing an installation for the 2017 Seattle Design Festival Block Party or simply looking to assist with another’s proposal, attendance to each RUMBLE event is mandatory. The first RUMBLE will give you an opportunity to brainstorm ideas, find teammates within the community, seek advice from others and more. The Seattle Design Festival...


SDF2017 Community Programs Mixer #1

Center for Architecture & Design 1010 Western Avenue, Seattle, WA, United States

RSVP: This event is for those proposing Community Programs for the 2017 Seattle Design Festival. The mixer will give you an opportunity to brainstorm ideas, find collaborators within the community, seek advice from others and more. The Seattle Design Festival committee will also share important information about the Community Programs at this event. The Mixer...



Center for Architecture & Design 1010 Western Avenue, Seattle, WA, United States

RSVP: Whether you’re proposing an installation for the 2017 SDF Block Party or simply looking to assist with another’s proposal, attendance to at least 1 RUMBLE event is mandatory. The first RUMBLE will give you an opportunity to brainstorm ideas, find teammates within the community, seek advice from others and more. The Seattle Design Festival...


UPDATED DATE: SDF Community Mixer #2

Center for Architecture & Design 1010 Western Avenue, Seattle, WA, United States

RSVP: SDF Community Program Partners will have the opportunity to join other hosts in the context of small group discussions to share/ critique respective program goals and approaches. Programs partners will be encouraged to pitch their program proposal to the small group. This will be an opportunity for the public to critique and support the...


CfAD Closed June 12-28

The Center for Architecture & Design will be closed from June 12-28. During this time we will be making modifications to the space to support our growing exhibits. Design in Public staff will be working remotely during normal business hours. Feel free to contact us directly via email or voicemail and we will get back...

Design Activism: Design Making a Difference

Hotel Max 620 Stewart St., Seattle, WA, United States

How can design be brought out of the abstract, and into the forefront of our cities' and community’s priorities? Through the lens of design, our panel of maverick Pacific Northwesterners discusses inspiring ideas and innovative approaches, and rallies us to take action and make a difference on both a local and global scale.


Wild Tensions: Opening Night Reception

Center for Architecture & Design 1010 Western Avenue, Seattle, WA, United States

Exactly how authentic do we want our outdoor experience to be, and how far do we have to go to find it? How can we protect our natural treasures in the midst of explosive regional population growth? Can we mitigate that human pressure on these environments by leveraging urban wilderness? Wild Tensions: How Design Mediates...

Wild Tensions: Family Fun Day

Center for Architecture & Design 1010 Western Avenue, Seattle, WA, United States

Join us and Seattle Architecture Foundation for a special Family Day celebrating the opening of Wild Tensions: How Design Impacts the Outdoor Experience! Create your own delicious snacks at our trail mix bar, build your own wilderness shelter, learn about the wild lives of animals who live with us right here in the city, and...

Call for Proposals Due – May 22

Center for Architecture & Design 1010 Western Avenue, Seattle, WA, United States

2019 is the year of Balance. From August 16–25, the Seattle Design Festival (SDF) will connect designers, community members and civic leaders to explore how we design for Balance. We invite you to collaborate with SDF 2019: Balance. Proposals due 5pm, May 22.

Design in the Parks

An inaugural Seattle Design Festival program in partnership with City of Seattle Parks & Recreation; Design in the Parks pairs our community’s best designers with some of its best parks. Points of Contact Lake Union Park LMN The Emergence Waterfront Park Gensler + BNBuilders Vertigo Lake Union Park DLR Group + BNBuilders

Ongoing Exhibit: Design with the 90%

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Discovery Center 440 5th Ave N, Seattle, WA, United States

How might design transform lives around the world? Act as a catalyst for change? Expand access? Include those who have been excluded? Design with the 90%: Improving Lives Around the World, highlights the global efforts of designers striving to answer these questions and developing affordable and sustainable shelter, food, drinking water, sanitation, and health solutions...

Ongoing Exhibit: Discover + Disrupt by Electric Coffin

Center for Architecture & Design 1010 Western Avenue, Seattle, WA, United States

Exhibit runs June 6 – August 31, 2019 City systems operate similarly to people. Much of the day is concerned with utilitarian, functional, and obvious needs. Budgets are allocated to potholes and traffic alleviation like paying rent and filling a pantry with groceries. The blueprint for the average city is largely shaped more by cost,...

Ongoing Exhibit: Shapeshifters, The Alchemy of Bonsai and Design

Totokaelo 1523 10th Ave, Seattle, WA, United States

For “Shapeshifters,” four artists working in the Pacific Northwest have each been paired with a work from Pacific Bonsai Museum’s collection and asked to respond in their own medium. John Hogan’s glass vessel is paired with a 150-year-old Sierra Juniper in training as a bonsai since 1957; Diane Rudge’s hanging macrame is paired with a...

A Way of Living

Seattle Central Library 1000 4th Ave, Seattle, WA, United States

A Way of Living is a new book published this year which chronicle the design history of Herman Miller, an innovative furniture company. We will have a lecture and discussion with Llisa Demetrios of the Eames Office and Amy Auscherman, one of the editors of this new book and the corporate archivist for Herman Miller....

Opening Party

JW Architects 1257 S King Street, Seattle, WA, United States

Join us for an evening celebration to kick off the 10-day Seattle Design Festival (exploring BALANCE, August 16-25) and recognize the many people and organizations who make it possible. Featuring two DJs, food from Golas Kitchen, drinks, dancing, design and more. $20 suggested donation gets you 2 drink tickets, no one turned away for lack...


Partner Events

Join us for a city-wide take over of designers, creatives, and companies hosting events during the Seattle Design Festival! Click the links below to learn more about each event. 98.7°: Fresh Perspectives on Recalibrating Design Balance Panel discussion moderated by Ken Yocom A Way of Living Herman Miller + Civilization “Balance” Microsoft Surface Experience and...

Capitol Hill Design Crawl Scavenger Hunt

Capitol Hill Various Locations, Seattle

Are you game? The Seattle Design Festival invites you to immerse yourself in the design concepts and contexts during its Capitol Hill Neighborhood Design Crawl. Put your love for community and design to the test by participating in its inaugural Instagram-based scavenger hunt. Simply identify the Capitol Hill landmarks, partner design concepts and neighborhood personalities...

Level Up Your Street!

Board & Vellum 115 15th Ave E #100 , Seattle , WA, United States

Your street, your vision. What would it look like if YOU designed a section of Capitol Hill? What would a leveled up street look like? The Seattle Architecture Foundation and Board & Vellum invite youth ages 10-16 to take the lead in reinvigorating the streetscape by designing and modeling their own parklet. During this two...

A Way of Living – Book Signing

Courtyard of ChopHouse Row 1424 11th Ave, Seattle, WA, United States

A Way of Living is a new book published this year which chronicle the design history of Herman Miller, an innovative furniture company. We will have a book signing with Llisa Demetrios of the Eames Office and Amy Auscherman, one of the editors of this new book and the corporate archivist for Herman Miller in...

Capitol Hill Design Crawl

Capitol Hill Various Locations, Seattle

Learn more about the Capitol Hill Design Crawl Scavenger Hunt The Capitol Hill Neighborhood Design Crawl consists of concentrated events, open studios, exhibits, interactive workshops or participatory design interventions that are meant to activate and celebrate the neighborhood. Design professionals, residents, business owners, and community groups are all invited to activate and celebrate neighborhood identity...

Walking on Freeways: Lid I-5 Study Area Tour

7th Ave & Marion St 7th Ave & Marion St, Seattle, WA, United States

What would you do with 15 acres of new public land in the middle of the city? The Seattle Office of Planning and Community Development (OPCD) is embarking on a major feasibility study for lidding the central segment of Interstate 5. The Lid I-5 Steering Committee, the volunteer citizens who have led the initiative to...

Seattle’s city-life balance

Goethe Pop Up in ChopHouse Row 1424 11th Ave, Seattle

For our participatory event, we intent to interview Seattle’s citizens at our location in Chophouse Row, Capitol Hill, during the Capitol Hill Design Crawl on their opinion about Seattle’s city-life balance. As interview foundation, we have developed four topics about which we want to collect some data. The event idea is based on the annual...

People in Mind: Personalities, Purpose and the Design of Places

Inform Interiors 1526 Bellevue Ave, Seattle, WA, United States

We are implementing a paradigm shift in our design processes, integrating rigorous neuroscience and deeper holistic dialogues to address challenging design issues. Brain-based design principles reveal how different personalities interact with the built settings that serve their purpose. Our workplaces, buildings and cities must change to support our overloaded digital information-age, to provide places that...

Capitol Hill Design Crawl Hub: Schemata Workshop

Schemata Workshop 1720 12th Ave, Seattle, WA, United States

As part of the Capitol Hill Neighborhood Design Crawl, come visit Schemata Workshop's storefront office space. We will serve as a Hub and scavenger hunt stop for the event where you can enjoy some light refreshments and snacks while observing the current work our offices is doing - much of it related to affordable housing,...

Symphony for Climate Change

Daybreak Star Indian Cultural Center 5011 Bernie Whitebear Way, Seattle, WA, United States

Discover Arts in the Park in partnership with Terra Nostra are happy to announce the upcoming free outdoor family-friendly community event Symphony for Climate Change on August 17th 2019 at the upper field of the Daybreak Star Center in Discovery Park. We invite the community to enjoy Arts in the Park and also to join...

The Proposal, a film by Jill Magid

Northwest Film Forum 1515 12th Ave, Seattle, WA, United States

Showings at 4pm, 6pm + conversation after screening, and 8:30pm. Swing through NWFF’s Capitol Hill Hub for sweet and salty snacks, a talk on design aesthetics in modern consumer culture, multiple showtimes of "The Proposal" by Jill Magid, and a conversation following the 6pm screening. THE PROPOSAL Famed Mexican architect Luis Barragán is known as...

$7 – $12

Design Crawl Hub: Northwest Film Forum

Northwest Film Forum 1515 12th Ave, Seattle, WA, United States

The Consumer Aesthetic Research Institute (CARI) is an online research community dedicated to developing a taxonomy of recent design aesthetics in modern consumer culture, interpreting and critiquing them in the context of societal trends. Our work spans a series of online platforms, taking advantage of their unique formats & structures to engage the public in...

Healing our “Ramps to Nowhere”

Freeway Park - Seneca Plaza 600 Seneca St, Seattle, WA, United States

Join us for a screening of a version Minda Martin's "Ramps to Nowhere" titled "Seattle Freeway Revolt". "Seattle Freeway Revolt" dives deep into the community activism behind the Freeway Revolt of the 60's and 70's, and how this activism lives on today. The screenings will be followed by a panel discussions with prominent Freeway Revolt...

Sound Curtain

Thomas Cheney Architects 523 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Seattle, WA, United States

Sound Curtain, was a collaboration between the Bertoia Studio and Thomas Cheney Architects for a proposed sound installation below the Osborne Street Bridge in Winnipeg Manitoba. Originally designed as a 9 ft tall x 30 ft long percussion instrument with over (600) 1/8 inch diameter copper rods suspended from 1/4" bronze plates. The rods, when...

Past, Present and Future: a Tense Balance

3rd and Pine Parklet next to McDonalds 1530 3rd Ave, Seattle, WA, United States

A city’s identity is rooted in the history of its people: their shared experiences and the common perceptions and worldviews that come out of those. That history is manifest in a city’s built environment. When a city undergoes rapid change, it can lead to a collective identity crisis: especially when that environment embodies an uncomfortable...

Living in Harmony with the Things We Create

DLR Group 51 University St #600, Seattle, WA, United States

In this Panel, we will explore how, as a company, Microsoft has been working on envisioning and implementing new ways for human beings to achieve balance with both Nature and Technology. In this panel we will share our philosophy for our new campus where both humans and nature will be successful in exciting new ways....

Tipping the Paradigm: Shifting the Balance Towards Timber Construction

Center for Wooden Boats 1010 Valley Street, Seattle, WA, United States

Join Olson Kundig and the Seattle Design Festival for a panel discussion on "Tipping the Paradigm: Shifting the Balance Towards Timber Construction." What if we could shift the building industry’s perception of materials, bringing timber (once again) to the forefront – making steel and concrete the outliers? However, timber actually holds more environmental benefits than...

Curating the Street Level Experience: The Work of Graham Baba Architects in the Pike/Pine w/ Jim Graham

ChopHouse Row [in the courtyard] 1424 11th Ave, Seattle

Join us as Jim Graham, principle of Graham Baba Architects, shares his vision for breathing life into urban streetscapes as elicited by the firm’s thoughtful work in one of the city’s most dynamic and culturally-exciting neighborhoods. The work of Graham Baba along the Pike/Pine corridor in Seattle is predominantly composed of privately-developed projects. However, the...

Balance in Design: Community Storytelling

The Collective 400 Dexter Avenue North, Seattle, WA, United States

IxDA Seattle will bring the design community together to share stories about balance in design. All stories will be true and under 8 minutes, as experienced and narrated by the storyteller on stage. No powerpoint or keynotes here, just the power of the spoken word. As humans (who also happen to be designers) we balance...


Community Engagement and Civic Transformation

DLR Group 51 University St #600, Seattle, WA, United States

Following on two years of convening conversations with Office of Community Planning and Development regarding investment in our communities of need, AIA Seattle's Diversity Roundtable brings together three women leaders in built environment to talk about how their investment in cultural convening and community spaces provide lessons and perspective for how we might further catalyze...

Finding Light in the Darkness

Holocaust Center for Humanity 2045 2nd Ave , Seattle, WA, United States

Visitors to the Holocaust Center can take a Virtual Reality tour of the Anne Frank annex, interact with touch screens featuring survivor testimony and stories of how survivors came to Seattle, explore artifacts that bring history to life, and learn about local students who are upstanders in their schools and communities. The Holocaust Center for...


SODO Track Tour

The SODO Track 505 S. Lander Street, Seattle, WA, United States

The SODO Track has transformed the portal to Downtown Seattle – a two-mile transit corridor traveled by over 50,000 daily – into a free and accessible urban art gallery exhibiting the work of over 60 artists from 20 countries who visually explore the themes of motion, speed and progress.  Join 4Culture’s Public Art Director Kelly...

[IM]BALANCE: Responding to inequity by building compassionate communities

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Discovery Center 440 5th Ave N, Seattle, WA, United States

Architects Without Borders Seattle (AWB) and The BLOCK Project have partnered to build communities of compassion throughout Seattle, engaging individuals and their neighborhoods to welcome someone experiencing homelessness into their lives. Community engaged design has the power to mitigate the cyclical trauma of homelessness - coming closer is the first step in addressing the imbalance....

Shapeshifters Conversation: The Alchemy of Bonsai and Design

Totokaelo 1523 10th Ave, Seattle, WA, United States

Shapeshifters: The Alchemy of Bonsai and Design exhibit curator, Aarin Packard, will be in conversation with glass artist John Hogan. All are invited to listen and participate in the conversation. RSVP is required and space is limited. To attend the event, send your name to before August 21. More information about the artists and...

Laddership Annual Summer Social

Center for Architecture & Design 1010 Western Avenue, Seattle, WA, United States

The Laddership Program is a mentoring program for AIA Seattle members that matches groups of architects and emerging architects to share their experiences and learn from each other. Each year all the mentoring groups gather for a social to share experiences and invite new members to join. This is a casual event with refreshments, and...

The Transportation Situation: Harmonizing micro-mobility, rideshare, public transit, and city growth

TEAGUE Design Studio 110 Union, Ste 500, Seattle, WA, United States

Seattle is one of the fastest growing cities in the nation. We also have one of the highest rated public transit systems, expanding at an exponential rate. Add to that the permeation of ride sharing services adding more cars to our streets, and dockless bike sharing taking up real estate on our sidewalks. Capping it...

Graduate HCI + Design Open Studio

MHCI+D Studio 1415 NE 45th #200, Seattle, WA, United States

The Masters in Human-Computer Interaction + Design is a one-year intensive studio-based program where students engage in responding to challenging social and business problems using iterative research and prototyping, looking to find the balance between the needs of society, of business, and of individuals. This year, teams of students are exploring the future of using...

Recycling the Beauty of Puget Sound

ATLAS Workbase 500 Mercer St, Seattle, WA, United States

The Seattle 2030 District and Boeing welcome you to explore how we can recycle the beauty of Puget Sound to make Seattle more resilient and sustainable. This summer, we created a design competition challenging students, engineers, and architects to come up with innovative ways to capture rainwater and reuse it in building operations. These solutions...


Prestige Builds Justice!

Prestige Builds 1200 S Angelo St, Seattle, WA, United States

Prestige built the Justice Bus so that BLC can bring services to homeless people at homeless encampments and small social service agencies where people are already receiving a meal, a shower, or other kinds of help. The welcoming design of the Justice Bus, created through a collaboration of architects with Prestige Construction, allows BLC to...

Georgetown Design Crawl Hub: Ten Penny Studio

Ten Penny Studio Design and Construction 5840 Airport Way South, Suite 201 and 202, Seattle, WA, United States

Please note that the Google Maps address for this event is incorrect. The correct address for Ten Penny Studio is 5840 Airport Way South. What does home mean? For some, home means a physical space to sleep, eat and shower, for others it means family and rest. In an aggressive political climate where people of...

Georgetown Design Crawl

Georgetown Various Locations, Seattle, WA, United States

Please note that the Google Maps address for Ten Penny Studio is incorrect. The correct address for Ten Penny Studio is 5840 Airport Way South. The Georgetown Neighborhood Design Crawl is a series of open studios, exhibits, and participatory design interventions - and an after-party at Photon Factory - that are meant to activate and...

Georgetown Design Crawl Hub: Equinox Studios

Equinox Studios 6520 5th Avenue South, Seattle, WA, United States

The Georgetown Neighborhood Design Crawl consists of concentrated events, open studios, exhibits, interactive workshops or participatory design interventions that are meant to activate and celebrate the neighborhood. Design professionals, residents, business owners, and community groups are all invited to activate and celebrate neighborhood identity through a series of design-related events. DJ Natural Selection will be...

Transformation starts within: a healing-centered approach to designing climate resilience

Daybreak Star Indian Cultural Center 5011 Bernie Whitebear Way, Seattle, WA, United States

At the root of our climate crisis is trauma we carry in our relationship to the planet, each other, and ourselves. This trauma, unprocessed and often ignored, prevents deeper self-awareness and limits our ability to transform the systems that are the source of that trauma. Many religions and Indigenous communities teach that we are inherently...

98.7°: Cocktail Hour/Art Exhibit/Panel Discussion Around Young Changemakers Navigating the Comfortable Chaos of Seattle

The Collective 400 Dexter Avenue North, Seattle, WA, United States

98.6°F is the human’s normal temperature, the balanced state if you will. And while there is an acceptable range, and deviation from the norm, there are clear indicators when you’re experiencing something out of balance internally or as a result of the environment around you. Without a concerted effort, it is easy to be kept...

After Party at Photon Factory

Photon Factory 4810 Airport Way S, Seattle, WA, United States

Photon Factory is a design studio and cultural space with an emphasis on community imagination and fearless creativity. The studio will open its doors for the first time to explore past projects in immersive design, graphic design, performance art, and dance. The Georgetown community is invited to come together, celebrate creativity and party in a...


WeWork Holyoke Building 107 Spring Street, Seattle, WA, United States

Come and enjoy a rich discussion with Microsoft Surface; Experience and Devices Design Team on our Human centered design approach. Our panel discussion and exhibition will reveal ideas on the “spectrum of being human” across future ambient experiences. Together we will explore our design principles and values along with topical themes around designing for future...

Seattle Public Space: Balance and Equity in Thriving Cities

Center for Architecture & Design 1010 Western Avenue, Seattle, WA, United States

Join us for an interactive discussion on how public open space can promote balance and equity in the City of Seattle. This discussion will explore how designers can support holistic and systemic solutions that address barriers to equity in the community. We will examine a collection of case studies from local design teams, neighborhood coalitions...

Balance of Opposites

Collaborative Companies 10 Dravus St., Seattle, WA, United States

Collaborative Companies invites you to explore the impact of balance within the unique structures of beliefs, ideas, and relationships that make up our community. We encourage you to participate in a fun game related to "balance" that is short and easy to play, We will proceed to engage in meaningful conversation surrounding how healthy balances...

South Lake Union Redux: Tech and More Tech

Tour starts at Triangle Park Across from Whole Foods 2211 Westlake Ave N, Seattle

This tour examines key ingredients for urban revitalization and discusses the urban design and architectural strategies at work in the vibrant, rapidly growing South Lake Union neighborhood. Participants will experience the evolution of re-investment and re-development in the neighborhood and discuss transformation of a no-mans-land into one of the fastest growing neighborhoods in the country....

$12 – $18

Block Party

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

The Seattle Design Festival Block Party is a two-day street fair celebrating the powerful ways design affects our lives. This fun outdoor event is an opportunity for the design community and the public to come together and interact through large-scale design installations, performances, and design activities all centered around the Festival’s 2019 theme, BALANCE. The...

South Lake Union Tour with Graphite Design Group and HEWITT Landscape Studio

Meeting point at the corner of Thomas St & 9th Ave N., Seattle

Please meet at the northwest corner of Thomas St & 9th Ave N. South Lake Union is the epicenter of Seattle’s tech-industry boom. As the international home of, and a regional center for Google, Facebook, and others, this neighborhood has contributed greatly to Seattle’s economic prosperity and status as a rising global city. Over...

Language of Aroma: Designing for Inclusivity | Screening & Intimate Conversation

Center for Architecture & Design 1010 Western Avenue, Seattle, WA, United States

“It comes down to know thyself. It’s important to know yourself, and I think that scent can help trigger that.” - Saskia Wilson-Brown, Founder, Institute for Art & Olfaction Why do 19 iconic brands and thought leaders including scent-branding experts, neuroscientists, technology behemoths, and a Game of Thrones language creator feel so strongly about this...

The Garden of Secrets: Blending Innovation with Inspiration | Screening & Conversation

Northwest Film Forum 1515 12th Ave, Seattle, WA, United States

Throughout history, people have sought connections with nature. In particular, designers have observed nature, investigated its materials, and imitated and abstracted its forms and qualities. Join UBC Botanical Gardens and TEALEAVES, along with a series of industry experts for a screening of The Garden of Secrets documentary. The screening will be followed by an intimate...

Symbiosis: Seattle Architecture 22nd Annual Model Exhibit

Center for Architecture & Design 1010 Western Avenue, Seattle, WA, United States

The Seattle Architecture Foundation's Annual Model Exhibit celebrates the creativity of local and international design firms. Each year, the exhibit displays physical and digital models, architectural renderings, and a variety of other displays that represent the design process. Through this exhibit local and recent architectural projects and the tools used to develop them take center...

$25.00 – $40.00

Balancing Act: Urbanism & Emerging Technologies

Center for Architecture & Design 1010 Western Avenue, Seattle, WA, United States

How does technology influence our urban experience? Whether we like it or not, technology is deeply rooted in our everyday lives. As emerging technologies continue to evolve, and our cities morph and adapt, the relationship between technology and our urban environments grows more complex. Balancing Act explores the notion of balance by posing a series of...

Proactive Practice

Center for Architecture & Design 1010 Western Avenue, Seattle, WA, United States

“Proactive Practice,” the next exhibit @ the Center for Architecture & Design, has been extended into the summer. We hope to celebrate with a Closing Party (date TBD), so stay tuned for more information as we have it! As speculative development and fast-paced growth transform urban space, architects must not be complacent in service to...

The Center is Closed March 9 – May 31

Center for Architecture & Design 1010 Western Avenue, Seattle, WA, United States

The Center for Architecture & Design will be closed March 9 - May 31 due to the current recommendations of our local health officials regarding the COVID-19 situation. All staff will be working remotely and adjusting planned meetings, events, and gatherings for the health and well-being of our volunteers and the entire Seattle community. Please...

ByDesign Film Festival – Online

Northwest Film Forum 1515 12th Ave, Seattle, WA, United States

ByDesign Festival is a cross-cultural exploration of people, structures, and ideas at the intersection of design and the moving image happening March 18 - 22 at Northwest Film Forum. In its 20th year, ByDesign recontextualizes the global to the local and examines pressing issues such as sustainability, affordability, indigeneity, and infrastructure, as they relate to...

Event Series SDF Design Jam – on YouTube

SDF Design Jam – on YouTube

Center for Architecture & Design 1010 Western Avenue, Seattle, WA, United States

Design Jams are an opportunity to generate ideas, connect with others in the design community, and ask questions of the Festival planners. Come with ideas, resources, skills, needs, and a desire to collaborate. We welcome participants from all fields of design! In light of the current situation, we're pivoting to a 'virtual information session' for...

SDF Design Jam

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Design Jams are an opportunity to generate ideas, connect with others in the design community, and ask questions of the Festival planners. Come with ideas, resources, skills, needs, and a desire to collaborate. We welcome participants from all fields of design! Join us for our second virtual Design Jam as we explore what going virtual...

SDF Design Jam

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Design Jams are an opportunity to generate ideas, connect with others in the design community, and ask questions of the Festival planners. Come with ideas, resources, skills, needs, and a desire to collaborate. We welcome participants from all fields of design! Join us for our third virtual Design Jam as we explore what going virtual...

Design in Public Benefit Breakfast

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Join us for our first-ever online benefit breakfast, May 27, 8-9:30am as we bring the Design Community to you right into your own home! Table Captains will facilitate design discussions with all participants about the real challenges Seattle is facing right now, after which our Keynote Speaker, co-founder and CEO of Minko, Ana Pinto Da Silva will...

Black Lives Matter General Strike & Silent March

As part of Design in Public's call to do better in how we stand for racial justice, we are closing our office and canceling all non-aligned meetings in solidarity with Black Lives Matter Seattle-King County's call for a General Strike and Silent March in the state of Washington on Friday, June 12. Information on the...

SDF Call for Proposals Due

Center for Architecture & Design 1010 Western Avenue, Seattle, WA, United States

PROPOSALS DUE: June 22, 2020 @ 5pm PST For more information see our Call for Proposal page and our About Seattle Design Festival + FAQs page.

Thinkercyze: Emotional Illustration

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Sharpen your skills and expand your thinking by engaging in our weekly virtual design challenge THINKERCYZE is a weekly virtual design challenge from some of our favorite designers that anyone can do - brought to you weekly this summer by the Seattle Design Festival Committee with support by Microsoft. Every challenge has been crafted for...

Thinkercyze: Create Your Own Flag

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Sharpen your skills and expand your thinking by engaging in our weekly virtual design challenge THINKERCYZE is a weekly virtual design challenge from some of our favorite designers that anyone can do – brought to you weekly this summer by the Seattle Design Festival Committee with support by Microsoft. Every challenge has been crafted for...

Thinkercyze: Create Your Own Micro Park

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Sharpen your skills and expand your thinking by engaging in our weekly virtual design challenge THINKERCYZE is a weekly virtual design challenge from some of our favorite designers that anyone can do – brought to you weekly this summer by the Seattle Design Festival Committee with support by Microsoft. Every challenge has been crafted for...

SDF2020 Sneak Peek

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

All are invited to join the public unveiling of the 2020 Seattle Design Festival and get a Sneak Peek of what's to come. Festival staff and organizers will provide an overview of this year’s festival on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram —expanding on the key themes and ideas explored by festival program partners. Video will be...

Partners in Print

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Submit your message of hope, social justice, community, or resilience to be letterpress printed by SVC Seattle’s Partners in Print by Saturday, August 15, and experience submissions virtually and in-person throughout the Seattle Design Festival! Team: Printers from SVC Seattle including Jenny Wilkson, Amy Redmond, Kristen Ramirez, Annabelle Larner, Bonnie Thompson Norman, and Marie Kuch-Stanovsky...

Thinkercyze – What does it mean to be an ally?

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Sharpen your skills and expand your thinking by engaging in our weekly virtual design challenge THINKERCYZE is a weekly virtual design challenge from some of our favorite designers that anyone can do – brought to you weekly this summer by the Seattle Design Festival Committee with support by Microsoft. Every challenge has been crafted for...

Thinkercyze – Build Your Own Adventure Maze

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Sharpen your skills and expand your thinking by engaging in our weekly virtual design challenge THINKERCYZE is a weekly virtual design challenge from some of our favorite designers that anyone can do – brought to you weekly this summer by the Seattle Design Festival Committee with support by Microsoft. Every challenge has been crafted for...

Seattle Design Festival 2020

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

2020 is a big year in many ways– the Seattle Design Festival is turning 10! Our anniversary comes at a pivotal moment in time. This year’s theme, About Time, sought to ponder past, present and future at a unique moment of transition for the city, the region and the world. Instead, it presently confronts the...

Community Spotlights

Community Spotlights are physical displays and experiences throughout the city that are visible from the public right-of-way and can be visited safely and with social distance. These will all be running the length of the festival, August 15 - 23, except where noted below. Links out to event pages for full descriptions.    15th...

Positive Negative

Thomas Cheney Architects 523 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Seattle, WA, United States

Team: Thomas Cheney, Julie Hale On March 23rd, Washington state Governor Jay Inslee issued proclamation order 20-25 'Stay Home Stay Healthy.' In light of the global pandemic, the public was asked to shelter in place to prevent community spread of the COVID-19. With only essential businesses allowed to remain open, many local restaurants and bars...

Time to Garden

Woodland Park Avenue N & N 38th Street 1050 N 38th St, Seattle, WA, United States

As a reflection of our specific time in history and our human need to interact with each other and nature, SHKS Architects and Site Workshop have collaborated to construct a community garden at an underutilized corner in Fremont. A pixelated grid demarcates space and order in our time of six-foot distancing. Transforming from planter to...

On the Record – Mural

Everyday Music 1520 10th Ave. , Seattle, WA, United States

Team: Kendra Azari, Malcolm Wolfdelux Procter, Kevin Snoddy (artists) Lia Coleman, Alana Zakroczemski, Simon Budker, Brooke Cheng (organizers) "ON THE RECORD" is a mural celebrating how black artists have shaped music over the ages. It is painted on the side of Everyday Music, a record shop in Capitol Hill. The mural shows 3 influential black...

We Are One

Collaborative Companies 10 Dravus St., Seattle, WA, United States

Team: Jacob Young, Isaac Greenetz, Sidney Burton, Noah Firth “We Are One” aims to use creative and thoughtful design to demonstrate the many faces and voices that make up our greater Seattle community. It integrates multiple levels of interaction to help visitors understand the important role of each individual, a crucial part of the whole....

Amp’ Up Seattle

Team: EJ Deocampo, Gargi Kadoo, Hannah Estrich, Nicholas Zurlini, Parker Meade, Simba Mafundikwa, Stuart Jones How do we spend time together, or spend time apart? Coming together in the midst of global pandemic may look different than our previous understanding of the word together. Yet the ongoing fight for racial justice and equality shows us...

15th Avenue East’s Past, Present, & Future

400 + 402 15th Ave E, 115 15th Ave E, Seattle WA 98112 400 15th Ave E, Seattle, WA, United States

Team: Gretchen Claire, Shannon Carrico, Leslie Batten, Chris Parker COVID-19 and Black Lives Matter are highlighting the inequity that has persisted in our city for centuries. It’s about time for architects to consider how our profession has been complicit in this, and how we can work to support creation of an equitable built environment. For...

Vortices of Myrkott På Reutersvard – Mural

Alley between 2nd & 3rd at Yesler 223 Yesler Way, Seattle, WA, United States

Vortices of Myrkott På Reutersvard is a projection of a hand-drawn animation on a mural, both animation and mural are artworks created by Paul Kuniholm. The animation depicts the stylized movement of a revolving earth, echoing the long history of the Kuniholm family in Seattle, dating back to 1890, when Johan Emil Kuniholm arrived to...

It Is Time We Connect

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Visit Rolluda Architect's event website at any point during the Seattle Design Festival! Team: Matthew Budinger, Tracy Law, Mark McCarter, Brett Barbakoff, Zamzam Arale, Karina Djaynurdin, Sabina Punjani, Vicki Pena, Richard Murray, Nestor Marquez, Eleanor Shull, Alex Rolluda, Princess Coleman, and Tanya Rolluda At Rolluda Architects, Architecture is what we do. But our Culture—who we...

Reimagine in Color

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Visit Reimagine in Color website at any time during the Seattle Design Festival! Team: Weber Thompson - Erin Hatch, Brittany Porter, Tom Geeslin, Cody Lodi, Aaron Swain, Allison Rose, Carrie Hinshaw, Emily Evenson, Johanna Lirman, John Hornibrook, Leslie Riibe, Mark Dorsey, Stephanie Farrell Reimagine in Color is a digital art project with a purpose of amplifying youth...

This Moment in Time: a Creative Response

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Visit the This Moment in Time: a Creative Response website at any time during the Seattle Design Festival! Team: KPFF - Diana Timpson, Huitt-Zollars - J. Ulrich, Gannett Flemming - Leisa Geiger, ScharrerAD - Christine Scharrer, Jeff Hammerquist, Ben Lynn, Frank Brescia As creative and design oriented people, we often note and respond to the world...

The Antibody to the Pandemic of Fake News

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Visit The Antibody to the Pandemic of Fake News event website at any time during the Seattle Design Festival! Team: Yuansi Li, Catherine Chang, Alex Banh "The Antibody to the Pandemic of Fake News" is an online experience for visitors to learn the dangers of misinformation in the media and the tools to protect themselves and...

Listen Now

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Visit the Listen Now website at any time during the Seattle Design Festival! Team: Sunny Zhang, Stacey Crumbaker, Claudia Saunders, Anne Schopf, Violette Yang Each of us comes to our community bringing with us the stories that have made us who we are. People come together through their work, organizations, and initiatives, but what really brings...

Running Dry: How Water Will Design Our Future

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Visit the Running Dry: How Water Will Design Our Future website at any time during the Seattle Design Festival! Team: Aaron Argyle, Malika Kirkling, Rob Misel, Casey Riske Viewers are invited to an immersive digital platform that highlights the design thinking of the future voices in our community. The exhibition is a collection of work created...


ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Visit the Dreamscapes website at any time during the Seattle Design Festival! Team: Orlando Orozco, Eduardo Silva, Astrid Garcia, Hannah Lim & Alonso Cantu Our environment is constantly changing and there have been so many visions of what we may be along the way of human progress. Inspired by the current times, in which we must look...

Connection in Time

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Time is a connection—connection between past, present, and future, connection between an individual and the other, connection between one generation and another. Through time, everything can happen and right now the world is pausing, yet time is still moving. Time is complicated. Each time frame has its own value and opportunity. It is a moment...


ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Visit the EMI website every morning at 8:30 am (PST) during the Seattle Design Festival! Team: Lisa Ehli, Brandon McNerney, Randy Larsen, Laura Salmela, Toby Wong, Nathaniel Gundersen Come with us and step into a space of reflection - a space of communal pondering to look for a bigger picture, a broader understanding of who we...

A Poetics of Living: Biomimetic Blueprints

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Northwest Film Forum presents an interdisciplinary film program and interactive community vision board collectively contemplating the poetry of pace, process, and performance in how we relate to our built and natural environments. From a foundation of improvisation and biomimetic ideation, these films invite us to slow down and prioritize care in the doing, serving as...

Free – $25

SAF: Design At Your Desk

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Design at Your Desk at any time during the Seattle Design Festival! About time! We’ve all been spending a lot more time at home recently because of COVID-19. By now you are VERY familiar with all the rooms in your house. Are there any that don’t function well or could function better? What if you could...

Urban Harmony Seattle

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Use the Urban Harmony Seattle mobile application at any time during the Seattle Design Festival! Team: NBBJ In addition to the health impacts of COVID-19, the pandemic also creates another problem — isolation. With many disconnected from family and friends, and only leaving the house for essential purposes, they are feeling disengaged from their community. URBAN...

Seattle Happy Places

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Visit the Seattle Happy Places website at any time during the Seattle Design Festival! Team: Hannah Rudin and Rosie Sabaric Seattle Happy Places invites you to find Happy Points in your community that inspire you, bring you joy, and recognize the unrecognized in good design. As Seattle navigates ongoing crises in these emotionally-charged times, there are...

Sharing Stories of Racism & Resistance in Seattle

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Visit the Sharing Stories of Racism & Resistance in Seattle website at any time during the Seattle Design Festival! Team: City of Seattle OPCD + SDCI Change Team Our website will collect and share stories of how the City and community have exacerbated racism and advanced liberation. Building off the work of similar websites, we will...

Duwamish Crossing

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Visit the Duwamish Crossing website at any time during the Seattle Design Festival! Team: Matt Wittman, Angela Yang, and Canan Sevim We all need to cross the Duwamish River, why not new connections that combats climate change? The West Seattle bridge has failed. After only 36 years of useful life—it will be closed until 2022, and...

It’s About Time We House Everyone

Visit the It's About Time We House Everyone website at any time during the Seattle Design Festival! Team: Third Place Design Cooperative, Sheri Newbold, Bruce Parker AIA Seattle works to shape policies that rethink the city's majority single-family zoned areas which have historically restricted access for communities of color, renters, low-income residents, and others. To achieve...

Created then, Here now, Envisioning for the future.

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Visit the Created then, Here now, Envisioning for the future website at any time during the Seattle Design Festival! Team: Whitney Valerio, Jessica Cody, Madi Thomas, Anna Spencer, Jocelyn Camacho, Merike Mighell, Michelle Northfield This event spotlights 10 landmarks in Seattle and surrounding areas from the past, present and future. We've selected one landmark per decade...

Travel in Place

After running into some location complications, the team is currently trying to find another storefront and exploring the option of moving the display online. More information coming soon!  Team: Edward Gibbons, Loren Supp, Erik Heironimus, Chao Deng, April Sun, Hugh Campbell, Divya Kapuria, Gemma Mechure, Xandr Stack, Rotimi Seriki, Jeffrey Stafford, Marshall Turner, Marjorie Chang...

Scavenger Bingo Time

Online/Streaming , United States

CLICK HERE to access the Scavenger Bingo Time PDF. Team: Tara Brooks, Emilia Cabeza De Baca, Yue Chen, Miranda Karli, Liz Szatko, Genevieve Theriault, and Michelle Yates This time is one of undeniable environmental, economic, social, and biological adversity. This time is also one for developing new identities and communities by renegotiating boundaries and comfort...


ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Sharpen your skills and expand your thinking by engaging in our weekly virtual design challenge THINKERCYZE is a weekly virtual design challenge from some of our favorite designers that anyone can do - brought to you weekly this summer by the Seattle Design Festival Committee with support by Microsoft. Every challenge has been crafted for...

Partner Programs – Ongoing Virtual Programs

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

The following Partner Programs include virtual experiences as well as indoor and outdoor activities that will be running the length of the festival, August 15 - 23. Links out to event pages for full descriptions.   A Poetics of Living: Biomimetic Blueprints Northwest Film Forum   Connection in Time Tracy Law   Created Then, Here...

Partner Programs – Live Webinars & Discussions

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

The following Partner Programs are live stream webinars, discussions, and other virtual programming that will occur on specific days and times. Some events will require registration or ticket purchases. Links out to event pages for full descriptions.   Architect’s Role in the Civic Conversation for Design Justice AIA Seattle Diversity Roundtable & NOMA NW Chapter...

Seattle Architecture Foundation App Launch

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

The Seattle Architecture Foundation just launched a new tool for exploring Seattle's built environment! The new Seattle Architecture Foundation App includes profiles of over 200 Seattle buildings in the downtown core, sorted into 5 neighborhood tours. Researched and written by local historian Maureen R. Elenga, each description offers a bite-sized snapshot of a building’s historic...

Yolanda DID

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

This film will be available throughout the run of the Seattle Design Festival! Team Members: Sarah Lisette Chiesa, Terence Chiesa (father), Aaron Chiesa (VFX artist), Julia Chiesa (sister) of Moving Violations Throughout the past six months, the world has dealt with one of the most sad and discouraging periods in our history. A capitalist society’s...

How Do We Want To Live?

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Visit the How Do We Want To Live? website at any time during the Seattle Design Festival! Team: Abbie Drake, Candon Murphy, Willie Mak, Ellen Dulweber, Ryan Lascano, Isabella Noet, Casey Hopkins, Kim Drake, Michelle Northfield, Cori Concepcion In 2017, MG2 brought the 'How Do You Want To Live?' experience to Design in Public, where we...

Seattle Street Sink

400 + 402 15th Ave E, 115 15th Ave E, Seattle WA 98112 400 15th Ave E, Seattle, WA, United States

Team: Elizabeth Golden AIA of UW Architecture, Jeff Hou of UW Landscape Architecture, Brice Maryman - Principal Landscape Architect with MIG, Tiffani McCoy - Lead Organizer at Real Change, and Rick Mohler AIA of UW Architecture. Collaborators: Anita Chopra of UW Medicine, Mehr Grewal of Odle Middle School Seattle, the country’s eighteenth largest city with...

Support the Festival – Donate Today!

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

We hope you have been enjoying the festival, and found ways to plug in, celebrate design, and think critically about the roles designers can play in shaping our communities. Donate today and safeguard future festivals for all!

Iterations: Architectural
Model Exhibit

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Traditionally, Architecture is presented as a finished product, exact in its completion. However, each project is a body of work with a life of its own, changing over time and affecting the surrounding context in unexpected ways. “Finished” architectural projects are only the final outcome of a long process of design studies, client requests, city...


22nd Ave & East Olive Way 22nd Ave & East Olive Way, Seattle, WA, United States

Team: Justin Panganiban, Doug Sharpe, Trevor Mauro, Victoria Kovacs, Solaja Ratcliffe, Isaura Perez In times of chaos and uncertainty, regenerative healing is deeply inherent to both the natural world and the human heart. When faced with disruptions to ecosystems, life cycles, and habitats, nature’s response is to regrow and rebuild. In a season of pain...

Architect’s Role In The Civic Conversation For Design Justice

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Join us for Architect’s Role In The Civic Conversation For Design Justice, a 2-hour panel discussion furthering the conversations of the impact design professionals have on the communities they serve. Team: Whitney Lewis, Rico Quirindongo, Rania Qawasma, Susan Frieson Design justice, design impact. In the civic realm, we design not only for the communities we...

Press to Express – Waterfront

Myrtle Edwards/Sculpture Park Alaskan Way & Broad Street, Seattle, WA, United States

Team: Trevor Dykstra, George Zatloka, Mike Hua, Letao Tao, Kai Curtis, Allison Shroeder, Allana Zakroczemski, Ken Roepe, Lia Coleman, Joy Jin A roving mobile printing press that asks "What is the change you want to see in the world?" and will allow anyone to make a placard or sign with words describing their past, present,...

This Bitter Earth Project

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Join us for This Bitter Earth Project, a short film that brings together dancers from around the world in response to social inequality and the global health crisis: Artists perform in containment while song and film synchronize movements and create a powerful collaboration. Does the extreme social tension caused by America's inequality and the global...


22nd Ave & East Olive Way 22nd Ave & East Olive Way, Seattle, WA, United States

Team: Justin Panganiban, Doug Sharpe, Trevor Mauro,Victoria Kovacs, Solaja Ratcliffe, Isaura Perez In times of chaos and uncertainty, regenerative healing is deeply inherent to both the natural world and the human heart. When faced with disruptions to ecosystems, life cycles, and habitats, nature’s response is to regrow and rebuild. In a season of pain and...

Creative Rituals: Designing for the New Normal

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Join us for Creative Rituals: Designing for the New Normal, a 90-minute virtual panel! Team: Madeline Macdonald, Ezgi Emiroglu, Carly Williams, Kate Morsink While Seattle Design Festival 2020 gathers the design community to focus on the concept of time, it is impossible to refute that we are living within a time of historical significance, having...

Interstitial Community Bonding

Occidental Ave. S between S. Main & S. Jackson, Seattle, WA

Team members: Kayla Ford, Steve Lee, Maria Garcia Llop, Toby Peterson, Samira Qayyum, Cameron Walker Community is a central pillar in a thriving society. There are repercussions of its breakdown in inequality of its people, hostility and tribalism, and individualistic selfishness. When our communities are strong, we see the evidence in its inclusive nature, and...

Be Bold: Design-Build Your Pyramid of Courage

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Team: John E. Perkins, PhD in Organizational Change, Principal in Keep the Change Consulting. Only boldness can deliver from fear. ~ Carl Jung Let’s fully own our boldness. Boldness expresses our soul’s sovereignty over how we speak, act, think, create, and engage. Our challenging time calls for everyone to be bolder. This means you, too....

Defense of density after COVID-19

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Join us for Defense of density after COVID-19, a 90-minute panel discussion. Team: Crisann Brooks, Family Support Program Director, Refugee Women’s Alliance; Brent Butler, Age Friendly Seattle Program Manager, City of Seattle Human Services Department; Donald King, Principal Architect, Mimar Studio; Patience Malaba, Director of Government Relations and Policy, Housing Development Consortium of Seattle-King County;...

Reimagining Retail in the Time of Coronavirus

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Join us for Reimagining Retail in the Time of Coronavirus: What will the role of the store be in our post-pandemic world?,  a one-hour live stream panel. What will the role of the store be in our post-pandemic world? From pop-up exclusives to showrooms, the store had become a curated technology-rich experience giving customers more...

Time to Learn: Shaping the Future of a State Agency Focused on Opportunity Gaps

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Team: Carrie Basas, Director; Sam Blazina, Senior Ombuds; Sean Heans, Community Engagement Specialist The Governor's Office of the Education Ombuds has worked with families, educators, K-12 students, and community organizations to draft its next 3-year strategic plan which is intended to be anti-racist and anti-ableist. While we've co-designed with communities to create the framework, we...

Spontaneous Production: Revisited (Physical Display)

Museum of Pop Culture 325 5th Ave. N, Seattle, WA, United States

Mask up and head to MoPOP at Seattle Center to view large scale displays of some of our city's recent murals! 2020 has been a difficult year for all but Seattle’s community has really demonstrated its resilience and its support for those who have been deeply affected by COVID and for the Black Lives Matter...

Thinkercyze – Design an Accessible, Beautiful Sidewalk

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Sharpen your skills and expand your thinking by engaging in our weekly virtual design challenge THINKERCYZE is a weekly virtual design challenge from some of our favorite designers that anyone can do – brought to you weekly this summer by the Seattle Design Festival Committee with support by Microsoft. Every challenge has been crafted for...

Art & Design at the BAM

Bellevue Art Museum Forum 510 Bellevue Way NE, Bellevue, WA, United States

The first floor forum is open to the public from 11am – 5pm, Wednesday-Sunday. The Steven Holl-designed first-floor Forum at Bellevue Arts Museum is one of King County's most impressive public architectural spaces. With free admission, visitors can engage with a series of rotating exhibits, exemplifying the best in art, craft and design from the...

We The Future: Young Leaders of Social Change

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Join us for this 90-minute panel to learn from the young leaders who helped to shape this exhibition. Team: Bitanya, Noah & Michaela, Youth Ambassador Program Members We the Future showcases the stories of ten young leaders working to build an equitable and inclusive world through their respective social change movements. Inspired by Amplifier’s We...

On the Record – Live Stream Q&A

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Team: Kendra Azari, Malcolm Wolfdelux Procter, Kevin Snoddy (artists) Lia Coleman, Alana Zakroczemski, Simon Budker, Brooke Cheng (organizers) This is the online live-streamed event with an opportunity for a Q&A with all of the artists that accompanies the ON THE RECORD mural that can be viewed throughout the festival. Join us August 19, 5pm (this...

Designing for Behavior Change

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Join us for Designing for Behavior Change, a 90-minute virtual program that will review concepts important to designing for behavior change and explore ethical considerations of these approaches. Team: Rebecca Van Singel, Delaney Cunnigham, Neha Kaura Is designing something that drives people toward a specific behavior manipulative, or is it a valid approach to design?...

Spontaneous Production: When Seattle Boards Up – Artists Show Up (Panel Discussion)

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Be sure to attend this 90-minute panel! Join us for a unique experience where we take you on a journey through recent history. 2020 has been a difficult year for all but Seattle’s community has really demonstrated its resilience and its support for those who have been deeply affected by COVID and for the Black...

What Day Is It? A Conversation with Microsoft Design

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

You may have found yourself wondering recently: What day is it? What year? Who even am I? As designers, we are constantly thinking about the implications of time throughout people’s work, life, and school experiences. And as we see our habits and instincts disrupted by global unrest in real-time, it’s more important than ever that...

About time – Remembering the Past for Future Driven Education

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Join USC Shoah Foundation & Substantial for an hour-long online program + Q & A.  We are experiencing changes in education more quickly than ever. How can technologists and organizations learn from well-designed virtual experiences that prioritize access and experiential learning? Join us for a livestream discussion with Sheryl Cababa (VP of Strategy, Substantial) &...

Steven Holl – Making Architecture

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Join us for Steven Holl - Making Architecture, a one-hour virtual Q&A session from the Bellevue Arts Museum.   Renowned American architect Steven Holl joins Executive Director & Chief Curator of Bellevue Arts Museum Benedict Heywood in conversation about Holl’s current Making Architecture exhibition at BAM. The conversation will be hosted on Zoom and will be...


Time Well Spent

SABArchitects 198 Nickerson St, Seattle, WA, United States

Team: Aaron Ladd, Carmen Scraper, Daniel Scully, Ian Stevens, Jenny Prieto, Michael Beck, Patrick Dodson, Sarah Ellen Jodway, Sherif Sugiyama, and contributions from Stephen C. Grey & Associates, LLC 9 artists and designers created 9 sculptures in their 9 separate homes. These sculptures will be placed distances apart, located along the South Ship Canal Trail...

Vortices of Myrkott På Reutersvard – Lecture Q&A

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Vortices of Myrkott På Reutersvard is a projection of a hand-drawn animation on a mural, both animation and mural are artworks created by Paul Kuniholm. The animation depicts the stylized movement of a revolving earth, echoing the long history of the Kuniholm family in Seattle, dating back to 1890, when Johan Emil Kuniholm arrived to...

Scavenger Bingo Time (Live Program)

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

CLICK HERE to access the Scavenger Bingo Time PDF. Team: Tara Brooks, Emilia Cabeza De Baca, Yue Chen, Miranda Karli, Liz Szatko, Genevieve Theriault, and Michelle Yates This time is one of undeniable environmental, economic, social, and biological adversity. This time is also one for developing new identities and communities by renegotiating boundaries and comfort...

UTOPIA: touch | Aug 21

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Join us for UTOPIA: touch, an hour-long, live, durational performance with 9 dancers in isolation exploring the tendernesses of unity and rebellion. Team: Vladimir Kremenović We are exploring proximity and unity in the virtual space while grappling with the politics of surveillance and tensions between obedience and freedom. It is the second event in UTOPIA, a...

Empathy is Not Enough: How to Take Action Towards Inclusion

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Join us for Empathy is Not Enough: How to Take Action Towards Inclusion, a one-hour participatory session. Design thinking has helped teams gain empathy and create better experiences for people around the world. Yet sometimes the experiences that result from design thinking processes benefit only the communities and populations that are directly engaged. At other times,...

Press to Express – Gas Works/Fremont

Gas Works Park / Fremont 2101 N Northlake Way, Seattle, WA, United States

Team: Trevor Dykstra, George Zatloka, Mike Hua, Letao Tao, Kai Curtis, Allison Shroeder, Allana Zakroczemski, Ken Roepe, Lia Coleman, Joy Jin A roving mobile printing press that asks "What is the change you want to see in the world?" and will allow anyone to make a placard or sign with words describing their past, present,...

Built Reflection

Poquitos, Capitol Hill Parking Lot 1000 E Pine St, Seattle, WA, United States

Team: Erica Bush, Juliette Dubroca, Mariana Gutheim Central Collective will project silent short moving images meant to showcase Seattle designers from underrepresented communities. Through 'It's about time', Central Collective intends to reflect on the lack of visibility of women, communities of color, immigrants and LGBTQI+ in our creative industries. This invisibility leads to a monoculture which struggles to address in our...

The Design of Everyday AI Things

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Join us for The Design of Everyday AI Things, a 60-minute virtual panel! Team: Madeline Macdonald, Ezgi Emiroglu, Carly Williams, Kate Morsink, Nathalie Attallah Four leading figures in the future of AI discuss the responsibilities and opportunities for designers using data as material to create social impact through a more inclusive design of products and services....

UTOPIA: touch | Aug 23

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Join us for UTOPIA: touch, an hour-long, live, durational performance with 9 dancers in isolation exploring the tendernesses of unity and rebellion. Team: Vladimir Kremenović We are exploring proximity and unity in the virtual space while grappling with the politics of surveillance and tensions between obedience and freedom. It is the second event in UTOPIA, a...

Towards a Region of Short Distances

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Join us for Towards a Region of Short Distances, a 2-hour virtual panel discussion. Team: Elijah Coley, Adam Bettcher, Lisa Awazu Wellman Before the Second World War, central Puget Sound cities grew around neighborhood nodes that were naturally limited to walkable radii around transit access. Development after the 1940s prioritized automobile mobility. Automobile dependence became a...

Community Engagement Forum

How can our design and planning processes help create great places while repairing harm and building community? If you are an architect or designer caring or curious about community engagement, we hope you will join us October 19–21 for Establishing Meaningful Relationships with Communities You Serve. This multi-day continuing education forum will convene design professionals,...

Giving Tuesday 2020

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Mark your calendars for #GivingTuesday! We are thrilled to be participating again in #GivingTuesday – a global day of generosity on Tuesday, December 1. Your gift is an investment in encouraging a greater understanding and appreciation for the ways that design can improve our lives. Design is for everyone and inclusive co-design practices are essential to shaping an...

SDF Call for Proposals Launch

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

This year’s festival theme, EMERGE, seeks to inspire action, addressing the consequences of the pandemic to nurture new possibilities. Emerging is a process of adaptation, of transforming the way we interact, collaborate, and create. How can community-driven design strategies carry us forward? How will we emerge better? This year’s festival will happen exclusively outside through our...

SDF 2021: Info Session!

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Join volunteers with SDF planning committee to ask questions about our call for proposal process and learn more about the Festival. Subscribe to the SDF YouTube channel and tune into the live YouTube premier.

ByDesign Film Festival

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

We are excited to be partnering with NW Film Forum once again for the ByDesign Film Festival 2021! The 21st Annual Festival is a cross-cultural exploration of people, structures, and ideas at the intersection of design and the moving image. ByDesign’s film program, composed of nine feature films and one short film package, collectively dissects the intentions and industries...

SDF 2021 Design Jam!

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Awaken your creative spirit and get ready for the 2021 Seattle Design Festival! Join the Seattle Design Festival planning committee and Surya Vanka, Founder & Chief Designer at AUTHENTIC DESIGN and longtime friend of the Festival, for the Design Jam, a Thinkercyze Live event, THIS SATURDAY April 10 at 10am PT. Explore your creative process...

Happy Hour! Call for Proposals Q&A

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

We invite you to connect with our amazing group of Seattle Design Festival Core Team volunteers to get your Call for Proposal questions answered - April 30th at 6pm on Instagram Live @seadesignfest.

SDF Call for Proposals Due

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

PROPOSALS DUE: May 7, 2021 @ 5pm PST Call for Proposals Info Here

2021 Benefit Breakfast

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

The Seattle Design Festival is a community driven program made possible by small individual donations from our community.   The Seattle Design Festival provides such a meaningful opportunity to leverage design. I am donating to help individuals and organizations to test ideas, challenge assumptions and raise awareness for our community. - Rob Deane AIA, NCARB Senior...

SDF 2021 – Festival Sneak Peek

Center for Architecture & Design 1010 Western Avenue, Seattle, WA, United States

All are invited to join us for the public unveiling of the 2021 Seattle Design Festival at the Sneak Peek August 7, 10am-Noon @ the Center, and learn more about what's to come. Festival staff and organizers will provide an overview of this year’s festival—expanding on the key themes explored by our program partners. We...

Seattle Design Festival 2021

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

The 2021 Seattle Design Festival is Emerging!   As the summer of 2021 is coming into focus we are excited to move into this Festival season with optimism and hope. With this year’s Seattle Design Festival theme EMERGE, we invite participants to explore the opportunities of adaptation and change as we move forward with what...

SDF 2021 – Built Installations

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

The Seattle Design Festival Block Party is a two-day street fair celebrating the powerful ways design affects our lives. This fun outdoor event is an opportunity for the design community and the public to come together and interact through large-scale design installations, performances, and design activities all centered around the Festival’s 2021 theme, EMERGE. The...

SDF 2021 – Pop-Up Experiences

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

The Seattle Design Festival Block Party is a two-day street fair celebrating the powerful ways design affects our lives. This fun outdoor event is an opportunity for the design community and the public to come together and interact through large-scale design installations, performances, and design activities all centered around the Festival’s 2021 theme, EMERGE. New...

SLU Walking Tour | Tech, Tech & More Tech

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Join the Seattle Architecture Foundation for this one-hour walking tour, which tour examines key ingredients for urban revitalization and discusses the design and architectural strategies at work in the vibrant, rapidly growing South Lake Union neighborhood. Participants will look at the commercial growth of the neighborhood – from Amazon’s historic lease agreement to today’s downtown-like...

Printmaking with Coyote!

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Team: Marijke Keyser & Coyote CRE8 Students Do you enjoy working with your hands to create something tangible and creative? Then come join us for some interactive printmaking, where we'll explore monotypes and block prints to create custom-made greeting cards, stamps, and posters! You'll use professional printmaking tools like linoleum cutters, ink, and brayers to...

Emerging Gratitudes: An Analog & Digital Pop-Up

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Emerging Gratitudes, a community-sourced gratitude project, is an installation designed for public use, reflection, and fun. An analog wall will display gratitude postcards created by the community to the local businesses, people, and places that they are grateful for. In addition to the analog gratitude board, we will be posting the gratitudes to a Substantial-made...

Event Series Homebase


Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

As we collectively EMERGE from the pandemic, we hope to introduce a new vision of Seattle that establishes a shared optimism for the future and sense of care for the most vulnerable – including people experiencing homelessness, one of the groups most widely impacted by COVID-19. Olson Kundig, Dowbuilt and ARUP have partnered with non-profit Camp United We Stand to develop Homebase, a portable housing installation. We envision Homebase as a pathway for this community to EMERGE from the pandemic; as a vehicle to engage with the local community; and as a prototype for an affordable, flexible temporary living space.

Set it Free

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Team: Kendyl Smith, Viola Yeung, Madi Thomas, Anna Spencer, Jocelyn Camacho, Gabrielle Bacon, Kristen Peterson-Motan, Jessica Cody, Jordan Gates, Eileen Sunga, Zoe Post, Whitney Valerio Let's celebrate coming together with our friends, family, and neighbors to share our hopes, dreams, thoughts, and feelings as we emerge from our homes and back into our communities. We...


Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Team: producer and curator Megan Harmon, graphic designer Jordan Grant, contractor Estee Clifford, and artists Nikita Ares, Stevie Shao, Colleen Louise Barry, and Mary Anne Carter Limelight spotlights four emerging Seattle artists and invites them into the design community. The exhibition is curated and produced by Megan Harmon, a freelance curator, and project manager in...

Setting Sail

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Create a paper boat, with personal sentiments tucked safely inside. Once complete, you’ll set your boat – and your thoughts – free.

Communication Unmasked

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Team: Janie Bube, Nakisa Dehpanah, Dena Aghazadeh Communication Unmasked is an installation that features a web of masks to represent the burdens on communication we are shedding as we EMERGE into a post-pandemic world. Volunteers with Architects Without Borders Seattle (AWBS) and Crescent Builds developed the installation to show communication obstacles we have faced through...

Latinx Placemaking in Seattle

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

This structure will tell the story of Latinx placemaking in Seattle through traditional Latinx crafts reimagined to be inclusive for all in our community.


Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Monophases in an interactive time capsule that captures the emergence of a new era of hybrid creativity. Cataloguing our pandemic passion projects that took place in solitude and led to cultivating hope in virtual vestibules, Monophases is the story of how the world changed and creativity lead the way.

Person | Person

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

As we rejoin the physical public sphere, we ask: What does it mean to communicate, on a human level? In this installation we invite two strangers to have an intimate conversation, confiding in each other without ever seeing one another.

What do you need to THRIVE?

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

"What do you need to THRIVE?" is the question we asked when we took art supplies into the community to listen- and bear witness- to people's stories of "home" and "homelessness." We did not set out to become housing developers- but that is what has EMERGED. ecoTHRIVE Housing is committed to creating beautiful, affordable, resident-owned villages that build community and human resilience- and joy!- as we adapt to an ever-changing world and shifting climate. Let’s talk about how we can bring all of our passion, compassion, and brilliance together to create the future we want to live into. Join us!

Hello World!

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Team: Isabella Ceriale, Isabella Gaule, Sophia Johnson, Peyton Todd, Charmaine Yabut There’s no denying that the past year and a half has been tough. From losing loved ones to being confined to the company of our own bubbles, individuals worldwide have faced hardships that none of us could have predicted. The University of Washington Medical...

DoD: Dialogue on Design

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

An interactive and evolving papier-mâché framework to foster dialogue and guide the future of ARCADE magazine.

Augment Your Block!

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Team: Julia Bruk, Debra Webb, Laara Garcia, Anna Czoski, Wolf Erickson, and Vancouver Mural Festival Future Arts presents Augment Your Block! A showcase of physical/digital interactive Augmented Reality sculptures, featuring local and international creatives blending and bending space through mobile AR technology. Community members will experience the physical installation at the block party either with...

Vacant Seattle

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

A panoramic, wrap-around collage of Seattle neighborhoods is presented as a line drawing, stripped of color and content. Participants are encouraged to draw, color and write anywhere and everywhere, filling in blank store signs, populating buildings with new residents, and adding new public spaces and amenities, describing what they feel the city needs.


Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Movement through the installation represents leaving behind a long and isolating year and the opportunity to envision and build a thriving world together going forward.

Shifting Perspectives

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Team: Mahlum Architects, Hoffman Construction Company Explore a wandering path punctuating time and space. Move through a series of vertical gardens, animated by simple repeating objects. At main welcome boards, untie a small flag, write a message, and tie it a trellis along the path. Plants at different stages of growth wind their way up...


Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Labyrinth is an experience grasping at senses and a journey perpetuated by emotion and mental health. Join us as we explore how we can emerge better together.

Polyphonic Phorest

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Emergence can be an act of celebration so let's dance and make some music together! A chorus of abstract inflatable figures has gathered here; high five an inflatable to add a new instrument to the soundtrack or change the bean and wiggle along with your new friends.

LiteHouse Shelters, Insulated, Modular, Tiny Houses.

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

LiteHouse Shelters creates more than sleeping spaces for homeless villages or backyard sheds, we are creating and designing insulated construction panel systems to build tiny village spaces. Please come to discover our tiny home panels and our tinier scale model village made by bending craft sticks.

Through the Fog

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Team: Ben Larson, Bryan Lammers, Darrell Turner, David Fields, Denis Blount, Edward Gibbons, Erik Heironimus, Kevin Aswegan, Lauren Beuris, Leah Guszkowski, Loren Supp, Marjorie Chang Fuller, Marshall Turner As a collective, we questioned what the experience of the past year has meant to us, what it gave to society – as well as what was...

Meaningful Balance

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

A Meaningful Balance is a calibrated disk that allows users to take different positions based on their comfort with regard to distance and contact. The 12’ diameter plywood surface and curved wood support ribs will provide an opportunity for people to explore the relationship between distance and security with regards to stability and contact. The...

Move Forward / Look Back

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Travel through a covered gallery/pathway of multi-colored & patterned blocks, where you can use art materials to share your Summer of 2021 thoughts about relationships and uses of space.


Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Passage represents the process of emerging, an invitation to transformation carried through a sequence of space. The Passage is experienced as a channel that questions how the built environment, often encountered as a static object, can be reimagined as an alive and active form. It is an invitation to consider how design can speak to the life infused within the structures we inhabit and how designers can transform their practices to employ the full spectrum of living materials in the spaces and places we create.


Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Kaleidospace is an experience of contemplation, reflection, and adaptation. Through the last year, we all embarked on a journey of change and uncertainty. Our installation mimics the personal and wonderous safe space we all created during last year, and from which we have Emerged transformed.


Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Bloomhouse is an interactive installation designed to symbolize the enclosures we have experienced throughout quarantine while asking visitors to reflect on how we can emerge from this time in a new, better light.

The Emerging Phoenix

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Through the deconstruction of the old ways, a new way emerges from it.

2020 Time. Space. Resilience.

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

A physical and virtual photo board tells the story of human resilience and the memories we built throughout the year to mark a passage of time and capture the ways in which we emerged stronger.

SDF Block Party Lounge

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

The Block Party lounge will be designed by Mithun in collaboration with the local non-profit Sawhorse Revolution. The table and seating in the Pop-Up  Zone have been designed to be welcoming to members of the design community, and the community at large. All elements of the installation will have a permanent home with community partners...

Build your Best Seattle

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

After a year of separation, how do we recreate/encourage human interaction through design? Youth and families will contribute to maps of greater Seattle and South Lake Union Park in response to this question. Contributions can range from small cutouts, drawings, to handmade models and will illustrate participants’ re-imagining of spaces for community gathering. Design and...

Quick & Daring

Center for Wooden Boats 1010 Valley Street, Seattle, WA, United States

Team Members: Marty Johnson, John Watkins, and Natalie Delbrueck - Quick & Daring Judges; Sandy Lam, CWB Community Engagement Director Quick & Daring is a long-standing tradition where participants design their own boat, build it in a day and race it the second day. It is a festival highlight for all! The 2021 Quick and Daring Home...

Four Square

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

You know four square as the classic elementary school game played on a square court divided into quadrants. Jackson | Main Architecture (JMA) designed a four square court to show you how a simple game in a creative space can inspire interaction and adaptation, and possibly create a sense of emergence in our city. Come play!

Plein Air Painting Demonstration

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Watch a Plein-air painting demonstration using oil on canvas! Plein-air is a form of outdoor painting that compels a close study of nature -- and our harmonic relationship with the environment around us. The venue will be treated as a springboard for artistic principles as we explore how shape language and color theory can facilitate...

Dear Friend,

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

An interactive letter exchange pop up experience where participants are prompted to write anonymous letters to share life lessons they've learned, struggles they've faced, offer pieces of advice, or give encouragement to other community members to take home with them.

Where Do We Emerge: Discovering Seattle’s Neighborhood Centers

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Team: Dylan Glosecki, UDF Co-Chair, VIA Architecture | Lisa Awazu Wellman, UDF Co-Chair, IA Interior Architects | Nicolas Vivas, UDF Co-Chair, Turner Construction Company | Daniel Herhold, UDF Co-Chair, B+H Architects | Adam Bettcher, UDF Co-Chair, Seattle Dept. of Construction and Inspections This event will take place in the SDF Block Party Pop-Up Zone! Explore...

UTOPIA: space

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Team: Artistic Director - Vladimir Kremenović This Pop-Up Experience will include a performance preview by CommonForm, followed by a conversation with the artists from Via and Velocity. UTOPIA: space is a durational, site-responsive performance set in Freeway Park, celebrating the work of Angela Donadjieva, the immigrant woman who designed Freeway Park’s landscapes. Featuring dance by...

Every Body Move | The Great Urban Body Move

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

You know what they say: distance makes the heart grow fonder. But really: Does socially/physically distancing ourselves make us fonder of where we live? As we dust off our social lives and emerge from social distancing, how can we gather safely, joyously, and expressively? How has our city changed and how can we get to know...

Build a Community Sculpture with Coyote!

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Team: James Brandalise Have you always wanted to use professional woodworking tools to build something with your peers? Then join us in building a community sculpture using hammers, drills, screws, clamps, wood-burning tools - everything you need to bring our collective imagination to life! Together we will explore composition and balance and contribute to a...

Seattle Happy Hunts

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Team: Hannah Rudin and Rosie Sabaric We know that all of 2021 will be about re-emergence in many different ways. We are re-emerging into the public spaces around us and becoming reacquainted with spaces that may have felt risky or off-limits for much of the past year. We are also re-emerging into what it means...


Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Team: Mindy Lehrman Cameron, Hannah Elias, Isa Lichtenberg, Isa Overstreet, Jeweliana Romero, Amelia Rurey, Emma Siple Join the graduating class and rising senior students in the Interior Architecture Department at Cornish as they walk visitors through a design process of mind-mapping and quick 3D sketching, and explore our collective subconscious view of the built environment....

Where does it all GO?!: Recycling with Recology King County

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Visit us to learn recycling tips and how artists in the Recology AIR Program transform recyclables into art. Recology will have provide various examples and the opportunity for you to transform trash into a wearable button to take. Recology believes that art plays a unique role in educating and inspiring the public. By supporting artists...

SDF 2022 Kickoff Event

ZOOM Online, Seattle, WA, United States

Connect with other members of the SDF community Learn more about the goals and vision that drive SDF programming Share your vision for this year's Festival Find your path to support SDF Join Festival volunteers, leadership, and staff at the first event for SDF 2022. This virtual event will be part info session and part...

SDF Pavilion Competition Opens

We invite designers and multidisciplinary artists to submit designs for the temporary central pavilion of the 2022 Seattle Design Festival. The pavilion will greet Festival attendees and serve as an ideal hub for pop-up programming at the SDF Block Party. The pavilion should be designed in such a way as to allow all or portions...

SDF Pavilion Competition January 19 – March 20

We invite designers and multidisciplinary artists to submit designs for the temporary central pavilion of the 2022 Seattle Design Festival. The pavilion will greet Festival attendees and serve as an ideal hub for pop-up programming at the SDF Block Party. The pavilion should be designed in such a way as to allow all or portions...

SDF 2022: Virtual Info Session and Q&A

Online/Streaming , United States

Have questions about this year's Seattle Design Festival? The Festival planning team will be hosting a virtual information session to share more about how they hope to see our community connect with our call for proposals. They'll be working to identify and answer frequently asked questions, and there will also be an opportunity for you...

In-Person Q&A and Workshop for New Partners

Center for Architecture & Design 1010 Western Avenue, Seattle, WA, United States

Drop by at any point from 5-7 pm to meet the Festival planning team! Seattle Design Festival (SDF) is running from August 20-26 this year, and it promises to be better than ever. Each year we look forward to events that our community partners develop to educate, engage, and bring the design community together. The...

Ignite! the SDF Fundraiser

415 Westlake 415 Westlake Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Now in its sixth year, the annual Seattle Design Festival (SDF) fundraiser brings together and acknowledges the community of designers, makers, activists, and enthusiasts who support SDF’s ongoing work to highlight all the ways that design has a powerful impact in our lives. We have important work to do, building vibrant connections between designers and...


SDF Call for Proposals Due

Online/Streaming , United States

PROPOSALS DUE: May 23, 2022 @ 5pm PST Call for Proposals Info Here

Solstice Celebration: Creative Convergence

Center for Architecture & Design 1010 Western Avenue, Seattle, WA, United States

Come celebrate the Diversity by Design exhibit at the Center for Architecture and Design highlighting the works of BIPOC designers, designers of all genders, LGBTQI + designer, designers with disabilities, immigrant designers and more. Connect with our local community and professional allies for an in-person discussion on how we can encourage current and future generations to explore...

Character Matters

Center for Architecture & Design 1010 Western Avenue, Seattle, WA, United States

Join us for Character Matters – a virtual exploration of three sites that set the historic tone of Seattle’s Central District: Douglass-Truth Branch Library, Langston Hughes Performing Arts Institute, and Washington Hall. As new development rises to the challenge of design reviews and community expectations, we will highlight the need to address and create spaces...

SDF @ Fremont Sunday Market

Join members of the Festival Planning Team at the Fremont Sunday Market this Sunday! Learn more about what to expect at this year's Festival, interact with an old Festival installation, and make your very own SDF button. The Fremont Sunday Market is one of Seattle’s longest-running, year-round Street Markets. Come connect with the Fremont community,...

SDF 2022 Sneak Peek

Center for Architecture & Design 1010 Western Avenue, Seattle, WA, United States

Join us for the public unveiling of the 2022 Seattle Design Festival August 4, 5-8pm @ the Center, and learn more about what’s to come. Festival staff and organizers will provide an overview of this year’s festival—expanding on the key themes explored by our program partners. We will have t-shirts for your festival team screenprinting...

Seattle Design Festival 2022

The 2022 Seattle Design Festival will be all about CONNECTION. When thinking about design, there is something very tangible and physical in how things ‘connect’ – but there is also something very emotional that ‘CONNECTION’ taps into as well. CONNECTION is a core human need. Our brains are wired to connect. We look and long...

Sink or Sail: Toy Boat Challenge

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Up for the Sink or Sail challenge? Design a toy boat, plan for the supplies you'll need, construct your design and then see if it floats! Compete against other groups, or build on your own. The Sink or Sail: Boat Design Challenge activity allows participants to use everyday materials to construct a boat that they...

Webbing Urban Connections

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Foster community connections and collaborate with your neighbors through a shared map of your favorite Seattle experiences. What does post-pandemic look like? One thing that everyone can agree on is that simply emerging may not be enough. So, what is missing? For our group, it became a study on how to connect with new people...

Bridge the Gap

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Admire, pose with, read stories, even add your ideas, stories, or responses to this sculpture which will bridge people from all over the city! The members of Coyote's Youth Advisory Board created their Teen Resilience Project as a way for teens like them to begin healing from the pandemic, and give their community a chance...

SDF Block Party

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

The Seattle Design Festival kicks off with a Block Party at Lake Union Park! The Seattle Design Festival Block Party is a two-day street fair celebrating the powerful ways design affects our lives. This fun outdoor event is an opportunity for the design community and the public to come together and interact through large-scale design...

City Canvas

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Leave your mark on our interactive art exhibit! For this first installation of City Canvas, we are exploring ‘Happy Accidents.’ We believe that connection sparks when two ideas, two people, or two groups come together around an idea. Progress is communal. While we do believe in ‘Happy Accidents.’ We’d like to argue that they aren’t...


Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Come play a game with Environmental Works! Push and Pull pegs to prepare a pathway – then score by aiming your ball for the buckets below! Environmental Works invites people to establish connections by way of one of humankind’s most practiced methods of engaging our neighbors and transcending barriers – playing a game together! Push...

Beat Roulette

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

In the Beat Roulette arena, your body movements double as instruments! Dance, have fun, and interact with others in the space to create new sounds and music!  Beat Roulette highlights one of the most important ways in which we create connections, by enabling the immersive power of collaboration. Mimicking the shape of how sound waves...

Common Threads

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Pick a thread of your choice! A connection is made once you weave yours onto a peg interwoven with other people's threads, creating a beautifully woven design. This abstract connection relates other users' interests and ideas anonymously to yours. A cylindrical installation comprised of parallel wood slats with varying heights. Pegs are embedded in the...

Cultural Kaleidoscope

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Visitors will see large painted textiles that are based on many indigenous cultures around the world. They are touchable, with rich mixed media inclusions. The artist will also tell stories about world events associated with their creation. Deer Creek Studio installation artists, Doe Stahr and Michael Clyburn, present a small collection of large textiles that...

Building a Resilient Village: A Collaborative Design Swarm

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Let's imagine ecoTHRIVE Housing’s first resilient village together! Join us in visualizing a beautiful community-centered village that is affordable for today, for generations - for good. We will have a large-scale model of our 1.8-acre building site to help us envision all of the ways we can build beauty and resilience into our village -...


Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Push and pull different mechanisms along the wall to create a structure where openings and connections appear and dissolve through the interactions! Throughout history, walls have always been built to set boundaries and separate people spatially and socially. The rigid structure often resembles authority and power with the intention to keep people away from each...

Forest Net(work)

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Come make a personal connection to the thing that sustains us all: our planet! Forest Net(work) is a pavilion helping us to create a more sustainable world through reforestation. Planting new trees is one of the most effective ways to reduce CO2 in the atmosphere and fight climate change. Visitors will have the opportunity to...

Future. Food. Forest. Radical Landscapes for Uncertain Times

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Explore how landscape architects use plants to design green, healthy, and inclusive future cities! Imagine what it would be like to be a plant yourself! And create your own radical botanical future landscape! What is your relationship to plants and why do they matter? How do trees help cool cities, clean air, and collect rainwater?...


Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Visit ‘Equipoise’ to connect and socialize! While you're here, create artistic flags that will be attached to the installation for display throughout the festival! Rooted in Pacific Northwest summertime, ‘Equipoise’ seeks to embrace two identities intrinsically tied to our regional culture: the celebrated pastimes of sailing and camping. Though differing in objective and venue, these...


Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Create a banner that captures elements your own intersectional identity to help build a collective tapestry of hidden connections with other festival-goers. Like the mycorrhizal networks that connect and strengthen apparently individual trees in the forest, this installation seeks to reveal the hidden social and cultural networks that make up our diverse city. This installation...


Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Share your favorite places, activities, and memories in and around Seattle through ribbons! Come learn and trade experiences with your neighbors. Discover new adventures in your local community and connect through each other’s experiences. Whether you’ve been in Seattle for a few days, months, or years, Unveiled connects festival-goers to each other and the city....

Whirly Pong

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Join us for a chaotic game of ping pong in the round. Grab a paddle and a friend or seven! Connect directly with other festival-goers by playing this group game. This round ping pong table with a motorized net was developed by Design Nerds, a group of like-minded designers who join forces to make Seattle...

What a re-LEAF!

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Fling the foliage! Lob some leaves! Cast a canopy! Help re-leaf our tree. Loop strands over branches to collectively compose a canopy. Together, our combined contributions will weave an unexpected tapestry and result in emergent form. By creating in this fashion - repeating a simple action in subtly different personal ways - we hope to...

One Seattle: Re-establishing Housing Diversity in Seattle’s Neighborhoods

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

What'll Seattle's residential neighborhoods look like in thirty years? Explore visions for new & reimagined housing types proposed by UW students. Explore student work, data points, and key takaways from a UW graduate architecture research design studio focused on re-establishing a diversity of housing types in Seattle's Neighborhood Residential (formerly single-family) zones inspired by and...

Ripple Effect

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Track, chart and project your personal connection from where you are to where you'll go to. This abstract framework, inspired by South Pacific Stick Charts, tells the story of the connecting paths we encounter in our journey through life. An assortment of string, rope, ribbons tags and found objects can be utilized to create the...


Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Re-think waste streams as you are confronted by your own trash! We build with what we have. In an effort to reduce waste, we propose an installation from found materials. What if design was driven by the resources available and not the aesthetic we desire? This project seeks to re-think trash by telling the story...


Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Pulse is a kinetic display that offers a unique sensory experience inspired by the site at Lake Union Park and by each other. Visitors will enter and exit a tunnel-like structure one at a time in a processional fashion, simultaneously experiencing a moment of solitude and a moment of connection with those around them. While...

Seattle Fireboat Duwamish – Through the Eyes of the Past

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

View a diorama of the 1909 Seattle Fireboat Duwamish, then proceed across the park to see the real Seattle Fireboat Duwamish at the Historic Ships Wharf! Visitors will encounter an antique trunk sitting on a table in the park. There is a small porthole into which the visitor can look into the interior of the...

The Building Blocks of Community

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Come create a piece of art with us! Explore how we are connected to place, community, art, and self by composing a selection of cube faces, comprising a holistic image. The Center on Contemporary Art (CoCA) presents an interactive building block art installation that invites festival goers to see a visual narrative of how art...


Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Soundscape is inspired by the simple kid's toy string can telephone, composed of two cans and a taut string. Playing with that concept, this pavilion features hundreds of tin can phones, where visitors can share playful interactions through abstract sound – a secret, a thought, a story, a laugh. In a departure from the pandemic,...

Sign of the Times

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Follow the Burma Shave inspired road signs around the park until you reach the final destination: the Seattle Fireboat Duwamish, where you can take a free tour of the fireboat! The first set of signs will begin on one side of the design installation entitled "Seattle Fireboat Duwamish - Through the eyes of the past"...

Social Tides

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Discover new ways to interact and build resilient, transcendent connections! When our world of constant motion was brought to a jarring halt by the pandemic, social interaction gave way to solitude, and ‘IRL’ connection, once the norm, became dangerous, indulgent, and rare. Now, as we continue experimenting with re-opening, our relationships with one another and...

Memory Strings

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Tie threads throughout the installation to connect yourself with the community and others around you by creating a network of memories! Enjoy the sounds of these connections as they begin to tie into one another and create a web of shared experiences that help tie the community together. While we are slowly emerging from the...


Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Work together to solve this collaborative maze game installation! Labyrinth encourages an environment of cooperation and problem-solving. Participants stand on either side of the maze, one side where the maze is visible and one side where it is obscured. Attendees on the side with the maze visible must guide those on the “blind” side through...

let’s play

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

'let's play' encourages people to interact with and examine the environment within which connections are built upon and reinforced. Through an array of apertures the installation unfurls an evolving tapestry of variation; close and open, conceal and discover, separate and connect. With simple manipulation, a landscape of light and shape is crafted, filtering surrounding sounds...


Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Our HOTHOUSE debuts neon glass as you've never seen it before! Come check out our freestanding sculpture featuring house and plant motifs! HOTHOUSE is a 6ft tall by 5ft wide by 6ft long neon glass tubing representation of a greenhouse filled with a life-size green neon monstera plant. The HOTHOUSE is made out of white...


Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

What happens when people come together and use deliberate relationship building and community engagement as a pathway to ending homelessness? Help build a BLOCK Home with The Block Project, a dignified, restorative, affordable, community-based solution to the homelessness crisis. Facing Homelessness and The BLOCK Project work with Seattle homeowners to provide a permanent place to...

A career gap caused by cancer is the elephant in the room.

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Scale the elephant in the room, and learn about the community of survivors looking to re-enter the workforce. The hard work of defeating cancer is often seen as an unfavorable career gap. But fighting cancer is one of the toughest jobs an individual will ever have and it deserves a place on any resume. The...

SDF Pavilion

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Stop by the new SDF Pavilion to learn more about this year's Festival. Pick up your schedule-at-a-glance, meet Festival volunteers, engage with our SDF Partners! Earlier the year SDF hosted our Pavilion Design Competition, to find a design that would be the visual anchor of the Festival. We are excited to work with the team...


Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

This installation is designed to invite visitors to engage with the spaces created by the participants as they relate to aspects of togetherness that have been on hold, lost or adapted during pandemic. SWITCHBOARD is a collection consisting of MODULES that can be arranged into different configurations to create a multitude of spatial conditions AND...

The New Consumers: Exploring Connection Through Mycelium and Music

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

This installation will explore how mycelium can be used as a building material in impermanent and fugitive architectures. Whiteness expresses itself spatially as monumental, permanent, and universal. Non-human relatives, like mycelium, can help us to understand the value and experience of humble, impermanent, and fugitive spaces. This installation is meant to guide the user in...

Degrees of Separation // Chains of Connection

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Create chains of connection between meaningful places. Write on paper links about why a place is meaningful to you and add it to the map! Using large printed maps of the Seattle area, we will engage the public in creating chains of connection between meaningful places around our city. Starting with key places or neighborhoods,...


Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

How can the edge conditions we value redefine Seattle for its post-pandemic era? This pop-up space will act as a conduit for bringing readers both new and existing to ARCADE’s collective dialogue and written work. Last year, ARCADE asked festival attendees to set down the Seattle they imagined or dreamt about—what were its salient characteristics?...

Color Me Connected

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Creativity fosters connection. Tap into your inner artist and help create a collective masterpiece! You are invited to contribute your own one-of-a-kind painted piece to help complete the larger image on the canvas. Festival-goers are encouraged to design and decorate a piece that expresses who they are, how they feel, what sparks joy, etc. Our...

CreativeMornings Seattle + SDF

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Stop by the Creative Mornings' booth at the SDF Block Party to learn more about their free monthly breakfast lecture series where they offer free coffee, breakfast, and an inspiring talk highlighting an artist, maker, entrepreneur or creative individual in our community! IN-PERSON SDF Block Party at Lake Union Park on Sunday, August 21st, between...

Exploring the Body of Connection

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Examine how you engage with public space and come away with techniques that increase ease and fulfillment as well as greater relationships to the spaces we inhabit in daily life! This workshop will offer tools and strategies for increasing awareness of our experience – and our ability to make choices - in designed spaces. •...

Seattle Design Festival Screen Printing

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Stop by between noon and 4:30p on the final day of the SDF Block Party to screen print your very own SDF merch! Pick up a free tote bag to carry your Festival schedule at a glance, while supplies last. Pack your bags with all of the snacks and supplies you'll need to keep up...

13 Rabbit Rock, Soul, Blues

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

13 Rabbit is a band made up of veteran musicians, who also happen to be architects, designers, and contractors. Jam out to their mix of rock, soul, and blues! Great summer music is the perfect fit for this year’s Seattle Design Festival Block Party, and what better band than one made up of architects, designers, and...

SDF Virtual Mainstage

Online/Streaming , United States

Spend your lunch (virtually) with SDF August 22-24! Log on from your desk as we stream design sessions, films, and live discussions about CONNECTION with special guests. The mainstage will be a lively and engaging virtual show produced by the Seattle Design Festival. Click through to see Streaming link and Speaker information for each day...

SDF Community Spotlights

Various Locations Seattle, WA, United States

A series of programs from our Festival partners in Fremont August 22, Columbia City August 24, and Downtown August 25. Focused celebrations of Seattle neighborhoods and a chance to get to know the design community within them and how design affects them. Fremont: Evening, 5-8pm Grab your Festival schedule at the SDF Booth, and maybe...

‘Inclusive Perspectives’ Walking & Rolling Neighborhood Tour

Fremont 1050 N 34th Street, Seattle

Tour will tentatively depart from outside of Fremont Brewing at 1050 N 34th Street at 5 pm. How can we come together as a community to ensure people of all abilities are able to connect and enjoy our designs? Join us in learning how different individuals may experience the environment and use your takeaways to...

Columbia City Connections

Gateway Plaza Park Corner of 37th Ave S and S Edmunds St and adjacent to 3806 S Ferdinand St, Seattle, WA, United States

Columbia City Connections will feature several interactive tables of different scales highlighting design from small arts and graphic design projects up to site scale through to neighborhood planning! Enjoy Live Music and interactive art at Ferdinand and Rainier • Beatwalk presents Prime Time featuring Bryant Moore, Jeremy Joes and Josh Rawlings at Ferdinand and Rainier...

ESV: 1000 Steps to Imagine a Puzzle, a Problem, and a Place

Various Locations Seattle, WA, United States

KAVE USA "Drink & Walk Your Coffee" invites you to come and experience the sleuth in you! Over a designated path, in this urban setting participants will explore the landscape for clues to a Puzzle that reveals a Problem, and suggests a Place where all may be resolved. But the discovery isn't enough! In the...

‘Inclusive Perspectives’ Walking & Rolling Neighborhood Tour

Corner of S. Edmunds Street & 36th Ave S S. Edmunds Street & 36th Ave S, Seattle, WA, United States

Tour will depart from the south side of S Edmunds Street and 36th Ave S at 5 pm. How can we come together as a community to ensure people of all abilities are able to connect and enjoy our designs? Join us in learning how different individuals may experience the environment and use your takeaways...

Exploring the Body of Connection

Columbia Park 4721 Rainier Ave S, Seattle, WA, United States

This workshop will offer tools and strategies for increasing awareness of our experience – and our ability to make choices - in designed spaces. Stop by the SDF Booth at the south end of Columbia Park at 5pm to learn more about the starting point for this experience. Participants will be guided to try on...

Wake up to Low-Waste

Fulcrum Cafe 590 Bell St, Seattle, WA, United States

We’re hosting a coffee-fueled networking event and conversation on low-waste journeys – from small wins to sticky hurdles – with a Seattle furniture manufacturer, zero waste advocate, and sustainable design consultant. This April, we launched the Washington Chapter of the Good Future Design Alliance, a member organization committed to reducing waste in the design and...

Seattle Architecture Foundation 25th Annual Architectural Model Exhibit | JUNCTION

Center for Architecture & Design 1010 Western Avenue, Seattle, WA, United States

Visit the Seattle Architecture Foundation's 25th Annual Architectural Model Exhibit, "JUNCTION," at the Center for Architecture and Design. On display now! JUNCTION is an exhibit hosted by the Seattle Architecture Foundation at the Center for Architecture and Design that features recent work by local architects and designers. Participants will engage with physical models, 2D architectural...

SAF Family Workshop | JUNCTION

Center for Architecture & Design 1010 Western Avenue, Seattle, WA, United States

Children of all ages and their chaperones are invited to a drop-in modeling workshop with the Seattle Architecture Foundation! Seattle Architecture Foundation invites youth to take the lead in a design and modeling challenge inspired by our current exhibit at the Center for Architecture and Design, "JUNCTION." During this drop-in workshop, participants will gain hands-on...

‘Inclusive Perspectives’ Walking & Rolling Neighborhood Tours

Center for Architecture & Design 1010 Western Avenue, Seattle, WA, United States

Tour will depart from the Center for Architecture and Design at 11 am. How can we come together as a community to ensure people of all abilities are able to connect and enjoy our designs? Join us in learning how different individuals may experience the environment and use your takeaways to inform your designs. Our...

Music + Art with Downtown Seattle Association

Multiple Locations Downtown, Seattle

Catch a concert in Occidental Square! Lady A is known as “The Hardest Workin’ Woman in Blues, Soul Funk & Gospel.” She always strives to meet the needs of her audience through story-telling performances in lyrics and musical inspiration. Come listen to all the blues you can use — with a twist! This concert is...

What You Have Become: Public Art, Archaeology & Urban Design

Center for Architecture & Design 1010 Western Avenue, Seattle, WA, United States

What are the points of connection between a mammoth tooth, a peach pit someone spit out in the 1890s, and tiles glazed with glacial clay? Join an all ages artist talk that crosses through time, archaeology and urban design. Kate Clark, lead artist of Parkeology, will share some of the stories of the lives that...

Firm Crawl

The Shop by Porter 1201 2nd Ave, Suite #100, Seattle, WA, United States

Join IIDA NPC Seattle City Center in a downtown Architecture & Interior Design Firm Crawl! Through this group tour, we will visit three architectural firms and one furniture showroom in downtown Seattle. This year we’re part of the Seattle Design Festival’s Downtown Community Spotlight Events held on Thursday, August 25th. Our event will take place...

Evolution of Instinct – Our Modern Wilderness

Corner of Pine and 3rd Pine St & 3rd Ave, Seattle, WA, United States

"Evolution of Instinct - Our Modern Wilderness" is a vibrant vinyl-powered augmented reality mural on 3rd Avenue supported by revival efforts of Downtown Seattle Association. Local illustrator Christoph Sagemuller in collaboration with creative technologist Quin Kennedybring a digital painting to life using Augmented Reality to explore this year's theme: The New Nature. Passerbys can use...

One Seattle: Re-establishing Housing Diversity in Seattle’s Neighborhoods

Center for Architecture & Design 1010 Western Avenue, Seattle, WA, United States

What'll Seattle's residential neighborhoods look like in thirty years? Explore visions for new & reimagined housing types proposed by UW students. Join the UW Department of Architecture and the AIA Seattle Comprehensive Plan Work Group for this panel discussion. Explore student work, data points, and key takeaways from a UW graduate architecture research design studio...

SDF Closing Party

The Collective 400 Dexter Avenue North, Seattle, WA, United States

Join us for a celebration of our festival partners, volunteers, and supporters! Join us for an evening of CONNECTION and celebrating the festival partners, volunteers, and supporters who helped make SDF 2022: CONNECTION a success! Featuring Seattle Design Festival DJs, specialty drinks, sumptuous snacks and celebration of design at The Collective, an urban basecamp for community...

SDF 2023 Kickoff Event

Online/Streaming , United States

Connect with other members of the SDF community Learn more about the goals and vision that drive SDF programming Share your vision for this year's Festival Find your path to support SDF This virtual event will be part info session and part design charette. Plan to have your cameras on, and lend your voice! Learn...

GiveBIG 2023

Online/Streaming , United States

Get That Giving Feeling It’s time to GiveBIG to support Seattle Design Festival! The SDF Board of Directors has pledged to match every dollar you give to meet our goal of $13,000. Show your support today to help unleash the design thinker in everyone. Early gifts inspire more generosity from our supporters on May 2nd...

$1 – $500

SDF 2023 Partner + Volunteer Social

Center for Architecture & Design 1010 Western Avenue, Seattle, WA, United States

Mix, mingle, and get excited for the 2023 Seattle Design Festival! Join our community of designers, thinkers, and innovators in exploring #sdfCURIOSITY! All are invited for the first official gathering of SDF 2023 Partners and Volunteers on August 9, 5-8 pm @ the Center for Architecture and Design. Festival staff and organizers will be on hand...

Event Series SDF 2023: CURIOSITY


WA, United States

The 2023 Seattle Design Festival lineup is 'live'!  We've updated the website with 60+ installations, pop-up experiences, virtual discussions, and mixers happening during the Seattle Design Festival, August 19–24. All our partners are exploring this year’s theme of CURIOSITY and are inviting you to consider the role you play in designing the world around us. This...

Social Housing Developer: A Call to Action

City of Seattle citizens voted yes on I-135 to implement a Social Housing Developer, but what does that really mean and how does it affect the city's development strategies?

What if Mermaids Do Exist?

Lake Union Park 860 Terry Avenue N, Seattle, WA, United States

Team: Mary Hertz, Designer. Kathy Jeffers, Co-Designer. Built Installation What If Mermaids Do Exist? Come wag her tail and move the waves around her. See her hair blow in the wind and imagine yourself pursuing your own "what if" question. Where will it take you?   SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTMENT This team is committing to reusing materials...

SDF 2024 Closing Party

The Shop at LMN Architects 723 1st Avenue, Seattle, WA, United States

Come join us for the ultimate celebration to close out the SDF 2024 event! We're throwing a party to wrap up the festivities in style at The Shop - LMN Architects. Get ready for an unforgettable night filled with music, dancing, and good vibes. This is your chance to mingle with fellow attendees, partners, and...

2025 Call for Nominations Deadline! SDF Board of Directors

Inspire Action. Become a board member. Would you or someone you know make a great Seattle Design Festival Board Member? Be sure to complete the nomination form before close of business on February 7! The SDF Board of Directors advances our mission through strategic planning and fiduciary oversight – planning for sustainable growth and resource...